Saturday, June 23, 2012

And so it goes....

I'm not going to call it brilliant but, it is simplistically smart. You do whatever it takes to win and your fans will love you for it because they will win too. Or, so it seems.

We have two major parties here and they generally trade off running the show every four to eight years. Eight good years of a Bill Clinton just has to- in the interest of fair play- give way to eight horrible years of GW Bush. No one really knew Bush was going to be so awful. In fact, given a good economy and a surplus of funds, he had a lot of wiggle room. If he fucked up a little, how bad could it be?

It's just so incredible to me that, even before he actually won in '08, republican strategerists... were plotting against Barack Obama, conspiring to do whatever it took to make him a one term president. Even less than one term if possible. If you pay even a little attention to politics you may have noticed that his first term has been unprecedented in partisan politics as practiced by republicans. They've been rather bold about it....

Though no doubt closed-door meetings have always been the norm in our political system, it was pretty incredible to hear Mitch McConnell unabashedly state that the republicans ONLY goal was to make Obama a one term president. Well, duh! I'm sure each party says that in their meetings. This old turtle-looking fuck stated it publicly. He must have some huge (by comparison) shriveled up grapes in his grape sack! In the depth of a massive recession- caused by the doings of their own president and their own personal constituents- he comes right out and declares that they will do ANYTHING to stop the new guy from trying to fix things. Incredible. No pretense of bi-partisan, hands-across-the-aisle cooperation (with the usual behind the scenes skulduggery) dog and pony show of politics. Just grape nuts out, "We're gonna stop him!"  Damn America- full speed behind!

The gloves came off pretty quick and they stayed off. It's not supposed to work this way. How could it? Especially in a place that advertises itself as "THE Greatest Country In The WORLD! EVER!!!"

Well, we suck. I mean- no one else is better but, we suck. We suck because, half of us at least, do suck and the other half puts up with this shit. Thus, we all suck.

Old school republicans (and there are a few) really suck because they let their own party fall apart before their very eyes. They let the staus quo get kicked to the curb. They gave up. So, of course, did democrats. Many of them were still trying to deal with the republicans as if it were the old days of the dog n' pony show. It's not.

These Ryans and Cantors are the new face of the republican party. These motherfuckers are serious. It's not a game when they talk of eliminating social programs, never-ever raising taxes and denouncing teachers, firefighters and cops as money-grubbing leeches upon society. They're not saying this shit to get a lucrative deal in their home turf, get a favorable bill passed- whatever. They really believe this crap. You're not supposed to equate anyone to Nazi's because that's been done to death but, these fuckers are Nazi's. The hardcore, original gangster, Nazi's really believed Jews were a scourge upon the earth and needed to be exterminated. They really did. They attracted less dedicated but equally depraved monsters of society to their cause simply because those people wanted to kill. There were certainly people in the Nazi party who couldn't care less about the tenets and philosophies. Just point them in the direction of the victims and let them have at it.

I'm seeing the same thing today in the republican party. It's all on view in the threads. Every creep in the woodwork of this country has come out in their favor. Whether it's a jack-leg security guard in Kentucky who openly fantasizes about personally putting a round in the head of any *law breakers* to *strict constitutionalists* who believe that revolution is the duty of all citizens, the GOP has attracted ALL of the dregs of society. All are welcome. Their were Jews in the SS, for god's sake!

Is this Mitt Rmoneys agenda? Oh please! This lump of hair has wanted to be president probably since he led that assault on the alleged gay kid back in prep school. He simply looks presidential and has the Grover Norquist maximum requisite of ten working digits to sign whatever they put in front of him. While I'm convinced he truly does not care about the average American citizens, he's nothing but the patsy they need. It doesn't mean he's personally in favor of FEMA camps for liberals or making some stolen valor, Kentucky felon, Attorney General In Charge Of Shooting Folks. It just means Rmoney is very open to suggestions, something our current president is not. Kinda funny that a guy who doesn't do everything he's told is considered a "dictator". Not very funny that these people believe he should be replaced by an actual dictator.

We live in interesting times, eh?


Sue J said...

That seems to be how politics works these day. They employ 'spin doctors' which I think is a fairly recent ploy.
It's the same here. Every time the opposition leader opens his mouth it's to slag off anything the government is doing. I haven't heard a lot of policies being offered, just what they will reverse when they get back in - and they will, regardless of the fact that we are the only 'western' country that isn't broke. It would seem that Australians can only hear the rubbish Abbott is spouting and are too brainless to think for themselves and see that they aren't doing too bad, all things considered.
If the GOP gets back in I think they'll probably sort out your financial problems with another war. Wars keep the 'big boys' coffers filled. So Iran will be the recipient. N.Korea has too much military might.
I'd like to know why it's OK for Israel to have nuclear weapons, but nobody else in the middle east is allowed anything nuclear, including power. And who made the U.S. the nuclear police?

ex-ferrer said...

Yes, they are making noise about war with Iran. And not liking taxes to finance that, they'll fund it with borrowed money again... The biggest mistake of this young century was invading Iraq- the natural enemy of Iran. With Sadam, we had an (albeit creepy) ally to keep Iran busy. Some people here consider Israel our 51st state. I don't know why. Maybe it's tied in with that "end of days" thing some Christians want so badly and nuclear war could sure hasten? It's a dumbass way of going about it.

I reckin politics is the same all over. Whoever is in power is "wrong" and the next guy will just undo everything he does no matter what. Romney, for example, doesn't like Europe and the way they handle things yet, Europe's austerity measures are exactly what he plans for us. His friends will be fine though. All that cutting back will make that money go up the chain.