Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Who's is driving this train wreck?


I personally don't think republicans are that clever. If Mitch McConnell is a clever man, he doesn't publicly declare early into Obama's presidency that the GOP's only goal is to ensure that he's a one-term president.

Did you know he was going to kill Gumby? Why, yes- that's all he ever talked about. In fact, he bought a new suit and said: "This is the suit I'll be wearing when I kill Gumby!"

Mitt Romney cannot win this election but, Obama could lose it. Yes, there is a difference. If you make under a million dollars a year and think Romney can lead anything but a raid on another business or a suspected gay kid's head, you're not clever either. Most Americans make well under $1 million in a lifetime, let alone 365 days. Romney only cares about average Americans making less money so that they don't cut into the profits of his friends. Those pesky wages!

Years ago I had a very good-looking friend who waitressed at a restaurant we worked at. I recall Bree declaring one election that her and her boyfriend were going to vote republican because they would make them rich. That's a common perception amongst low-information voters. Bree had spankability but, she wasn't terribly smart. I haven't seen her in years but I bet she's still spankable and doing well. Her business model turned out to be marrying successful men. Her boyfriend/first-husband turned out to be successful too (a fine restaurant in The Key's) but it was after Bree left him.

Many people choose money over love. Despite songs to the contrary, many people think money buys happiness. Even if not true, it sure can rent some! So, everybody wants love but, lacking good prospects at that, how 'bout some cash!

The thing is, you'll get neither cash nor love from this proposed republican cultural revolution. Where's the love in tricking people into voting against their own interests? Here we are, still in the midst of the worst recession since The Great Depression, and people are still buying into the ridiculous notion that not *raising* taxes on rich people and cutting social services is THE only way out. These job creators are  pimps who love the whores with a velvet glove over an iron fist.

We work for them. True, it's always been that way to varying degrees, some worse than others. Since FDR and up through Clinton, working people had a pretty good run. It wasn't easy and people died getting us Union benefits, things that some take for granted now and many others think should be done away with. Who knew that the 40 hour workweek, over-time and fair wages were bad things? Well, the rich and their political arm- The GOP- did, that's who. They also knew that feeding, clothing the poor and their children was a bad thing too. Expensive is what it is....so they say...

Well, fuck 'em. They've always been this way and really, there's no talking to them. They are obscene but, at least they have portfolio. The people who don't have portfolio- literally as well as metaphorically- are perhaps more obscene. The whore who sucks the dicks and takes the beating from "her man" when she fails to please him financially is pathetic and every bit obscene as the pimp when that whore is a $12 an hour security guard who dreams of killing lazy liberals and votes to bring to power the guy most likely to maybe make that fantasy a reality. One is as hard to reach as the other. At least with the pimp you can understand the tangible things he gets out of the situation. The whore gets enough to survive. Dignity is not a factor for either.

Dignity might leave the building in November.

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