Cook County is going to raise it's tax on cigarettes one dollar per pack. It's what is known in the government business as a "sin tax" or "easy money".
The thing is, it's not such easy money anymore. With taxes being so high, many, many people have quit smoking. So, because of that development, they have to make up for that lost revenue by...raising taxes!
In the presidential race, taxes are a big issue. People are tired of Barack Obama and his high taxes and they want it to stop. Well, yeah but, the thing is, Obama hasn't raised taxes. He hasn't even raised taxes on our glorious non-job creators. In fact, all he wanted to do was end The Bush Tax Cuts For Rich People and bring them back to the low rate they were at during the Clinton years. You know- like when bread is on sale Tuesday only, Wednesday does NOT bring an increase. It just brings it back to Monday's price. You shoppers know what I'm talking about.
People who bleat about 'state's rights' bemuse me. No matter what state you live in, you're getting the bejeezus taxed out of you by the state. They sit around and think of new taxes, all day, every day. They cut a lot of stuff too, to 'save money' but, they do this AND raise taxes. So, if you're some kinda tea bagger and you think we don't need a federal government for anything but whatever federal governments do when they're not governing, think again. It's your local city and state government that is taxing, again and again. And again. I might as well mention: again, again.
Ever wonder why marijuana is still illegal? Wonder why it isn't legal and taxed, like so many experts say it should be? It's a basically harmless drug that grows naturally. It's far, far less harmful than alcohol. If there's a God, surely he put it on earth for a reason and that reason probably wasn't to fill up prisons. You would think it would be a natural for taxes. People love this shit! Let them have it and tax the bejeezus outa it, right?
You'd think that would be lucrative and right up every state's fiscal alley. But, I really think that they've crunched the numbers and figured out, there's more money to be made keeping the shit illegal,
Huh? Ferrerman, whatchu been smokin'?
Well, nothing. I think I might have smoked the equivalent of three-four joints this century. And not a whole lot in the previous century as you might think. It tends to make me tired. For a kid who came of age in the 70's, I'm a bit of a lightweight with drugs. It just never became a habit. Honestly, for some it is. I've known a whole slew of dudes who smoke a quarter ounce a day, every day. Some don't drink. Most have quit smoking. It cuts into the weed budget. Really. It's not an addiction similar to heroin or alcohol at all. There's no withdrawal symptoms that I know of. Cigarettes are known to be tougher to quit that heroin. Pot? I don't know. They just stay at it. I'm a cheap high. Decent weed = a couple of hits for me and I'm fine and then I go to sleep.
So, I'm not agin it, at all. Don't be driving though. You don't drink and drive, don't smoke and drive. And no texting!
I saw some law enforcement guy on a program about weed and he said to not bother legalizing it as it wouldn't take that much away from those nasty, murderous cartels in Mexico. I beg to differ. They are rich people- "job creators"- and if our rich people can't handle a 3% rise in their taxes, it's because they're greedy assholes, just like the cartels. So, fuck 'em. They'll be pissed but, they'll get over it.
But, what happens to the privatized prisons that count on potheads (and other drug offenders) for business if pot is legal? And the courts? And the cops? All of these people make money off of weed. Lots of it. Frankly, I think they make more than the states can off of taxing it. Pot is BIG BUSINESS. The government has it's hands deep into it but, in a way that makes them look sacrosanct. I used to think that the US didn't want to tarnish it's image by being the world leader that sanctions drug use. That may be part of it still. According to the program I saw, pot isn't legal anywhere in the world. It's just over-looked at best. Decriminalization is in effect in some states/cities but, there are fines involved and dealing quantities is another story. It's still about money.
And look at the hubhub over medical marijuana. You have got to believe that BIG PHARMA is against that. While it's not a wonder drug, it's better for you than much of what they offer. No harmful side effects. Many cancer patients know this.
I equate it to prohibition. That seemingly well-intended nonsense made the Outfit what it was for several decades. Now we have street gangs and cartels and a more vulgar degree of mayhem that might shock and awe Al Capone himself.
And all for an innocent little weed, growing here and there, and- when you smoke it- you feel very good. What's so bad about feeling good?
If they decriminalised all drugs; made it possible for those already addicted to have access through legal channels, there would be no more pushers. What would be the point of getting someone addicted only to then have them supplied legally?
The crime rates would drop significantly there would be less drug-related disease and those addicted could be helped to get clean.
I don't know if I've expressed myself very well here, but I'm hoping you know what I mean :)
You did great! One of the few things I like about Libertarian/quasi-republican Ron Paul is that he believes in legalizing drugs. The "War On Drugs" has cost trillions and thousands of lives, with no end in sight. It's made it more obscene. On our border with Mexico, the streets are littered with the headless bodies of many (innocent) victims of the "War" as cartels fight it out for dominance. I worked with a guy whose family (wife and two boys born addicted) were on the methadone program to get them off heroin. It's government sponsored but not free. I don't know the ins and outs but, I think you have to pay what you can afford.
Anyway, rather than scrambling for dope money to stick a needle in your arm, these people were back in society, functioning, getting their doses orally, 5 days a week. Not perfect but, better than the alternative. Heroin itself has become a very middle-class suburban drug. New York state's governor is looking to seriously decriminalize pot. NYC itself *did* this in '77 but, found the stopping and frisking of young black and Hispanic males to be too lucrative. Again, with fines and jail time, it's a money-maker. THAT solves nothing.
well hello there.......
I saw an article about the biggest supporters of keeping MJ illegal, and wanted to share.
they are:
1)Police Unions
2)Private Prison Corporations
3)Alcohol & Beer companies
4)Pharmaceutical Corporations
5)Prison Guard Unions
pathetic huh?
Pathetic indeed, Annie! People's lives are being ruined willfully by others, solely because of money. It's the only method to this madness and I doubt it will ever stop with these monied factions behind the scenes. You've got to spend money to make money and this illustrates that. And they largely never mind the mayhem in Mexico though it's spreading here as well.
that's exactly right.
end the ban on hemp, end the "war on drugs", and the violence at the border will become yesterdays news.
a big part of this problem is that the "war on drugs" has become a line item on almost every public budget in the country, and towns have come to rely on that federal money to pay for stuff yearly.
the worst part is that if some 20 year old kid gets picked up with a bag, it stays on his record forever, but if that same kid gets caught drinking its a slap on the wrist.
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