Thursday, June 7, 2012

They could be heroes!

"If Republicans in Congress believe Obama's policies won't work, they should pass them. If they don't work, then Obama won't get re-elected and they can just reverse everything in January."
The above quote is from some guy on the internet. He really raises a good point. The republican mission as stated by Mitch McConnell very early into Barack Obama's presidency was to do everything possible to make him a one-term president.
Now, we know from republicans in Congress and Fox news that everything Obama does is wrong!!!!! Ok. Well, it seems to me that, if this is so, a really smart political strategery would have been to let him fail. How the hell else is the young man going to learn??
It seems to me they'd have a cakewalk into The White House in November if they had just sorta kicked back, enjoyed a beverage and let him do whatever his young, confused but, well-intentioned heart desired. After four years of him screwing this up and that up, they could probably run a guy with ten working digits that only needed to sign whatever Congress put in front of him. It could really be that simple.
I mean, he hadn't ever been president before so he surely had all these perceptions about how things should be done. It's like teenagers. "Grown-ups are so unfair! When I have kids- boy, are things gonna be DIFFERENT!!!" You know how they are. Left to their own devices, they'd have cake for breakfast! Then, who do they come running to when they have a tummy ache? Uh huh....
It's a simple plan but, genius just the same in that it affords so much "I TOLD YOU SO!" time after the fact that, the country might not ever again elect another democrat. I mean- they're wrong and this proves it because, LOOK WHAT THEY DID!
It's also fiscally prudent. You don't have to waste billions of dollars (trillions?) trying to manipulate things through lobbyists when you just let the president do his dumbass things, fail (of course) and then you step in and show everybody how it's done.
They are well within their rights to disagree, of course, but, a shrug of the shoulders and hands thrown up in the air would register with the voters and surely be remembered at the next election. They could be heroes!
I wonder why they don't do this? Too easy? They should have nothing to fear but his failure, right?


Mysterious man from the Shadows said...

Ah, but you forget one thing: in the minds of many Republicans, Obama is already basically a dictator who has imposed his Marxist vision on the country entirely.

Believe it or not, I know Republicans who actually complain that Boehner, McConnell et al. are just spineless wimps who let Obama run roughshod over them, doing whatever he wants and remaking the country according to his 'communist vision'. (I'm paraphrasing, but fairly closely.)

Now, it's true that half the time they complain about that, and the other half they complain about how Obama is "weak" and "ineffective". I believe this is the phenomenon George Orwell called "doublethink".

ex-ferrer said...

"doublethink", indeed!

I get a kick out of the "dicatator" assertion, as well. Coupled with "worse president since Jimmy Carter" and they are not only having their cake and eating it too but, blaming Obama because it's gone.

Many work situations come to mind where bosses who weren't as experienced as I, commanded me to do things I knew were not quite right. You're obligated to set them straight but, that doesn't always work. So, they could go on record for history's sake. If he were an actual dictator, acquiesence wouldn't even be a problem.

If Romney *wins*, we're looking at 4 years of blaming Obama because they really have no solutions.