Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Title Shot

When you're The Ferrerman, everybody wants to take you on. Every two-bit Topix troll thinks he can go toe to toe with you.

They can't. I seriously have yet to run across, for example, a republican that can honestly debate me without resorting to lies, innuendo and name-calling. If such a person exists, I've yet to find one on Topix. It's not that I'm that good. I'm very good but, I've seen better lib posters than me. Most have given up, I guess, having found no one to properly engage. It does get old. Though no Political Science Major myself, this shit's like arguing with 3rd graders.

Still, they keep coming. Honestly, I think that some really think that if they can defeat Ferrerman, they can defeat Obama! Dream on.

The rest, the non-political aspects of the threads have been interesting and fun. Long-time, dedicated non-readers recall that the genesis of this blog was to combat false allegations by Angelique770 that this intrepid reporter had sent picture(s) of my most prized possession- my penis. That's a fairly common allegation on Topix, as it turns out. I guess people fall for that if they want to. I was going to start a blog anyway but, that was a good start, just the same. I had a lot of fun taking apart that cheap trick and I got to write about my penis! Does it get any better than that? For those who missed that penis part, well, it's a long story.... ;)

In a lot of ways, Topix is a big, silly game. For some people it is role playing. It's kinda fun to figure out who is who and why they are the way they are and if they're really that way in real life. You never know for sure but, I think I get pretty close. I've never felt duped by television/movie mysteries because those are written writers to entertain. The false roads they lead you down are literary devices that lead to their conclusions. A good story doesn't have to be logical. Even your average "48 Hours" true murder mysteries is written and produced to either first make you think, "Oh- he did it!" and then think, "Hmm...maybe he didn't..." Then, in the end if there is a conviction or not, you wonder if the jury made the right call. These days reality can certainly be a perception.

Never minding pretty woman avatars that could be a 300 pound chick OR dude, it's incredibly hard to take internet people at, well, non-face value. Several months ago I had a woman personal message me wanting to have cyber sex after I had made ONE innocuous post to her. That took even me by surprise. I hadn't posted anything cute about spankings either. Seriously, I have to get a good feel for a woman before I do that and, even then, why mentally masturbate someone else and yourself? For one, I prefer to be really sure that she's actually a woman. That helps a lot! This woman seemed very needy to me. I knew nothing of her and she wanted cyber love. I checked her out via another woman that I fairly well trusted that *knew* her and at least I was reasonably certain that she had lady parts. Regardless, I wasn't the least bit interested in cyber sex nor, as it happened, her as a poster. She was a bit out there.

I had to at first believe she was a trap. I'm not even certain about her 'fairly well trusted friend'. But, who would trap a Ferrerman and for chrissakes- WHY?

Man, I don't know. I put nothing past these fuckers though.

Several months ago I started getting PM's from a high-profile, very notorious poster. This guy's always fighting with the clique and that scumbag, Sam, my "fan". My first thought was this was Sam. Well, allright. I know from rats and snitches and- golly- I'm well versed in using them to my advantage. The best and brightest don't gravitate to being rat bastards. Though in business sucking dick can be  a short-cut to the top, it's better to be good at what you do. Or, be a relative.

So, I had to be cautious. For one, the other guy was always losing avatars. Anyone of them could have been Sam. There's no way of knowing in this pretend world. So it's best not to give away secrets. Or tell a few tales... Planting information is good idea. Lead them down the wrong road. It's exactly what the rat does so, turn-about is fair play.

The PM's got me to thinking that this guy never really existed. Imagine a world of fake people where some of the people are so fake, they don't exist at all! Well, that boggles the mind. At it's best and worst, Topix is a story with many authors. Usually too many. It always gets mucked up with trolls and fighting but, it has its moments. This un-indicted co-conspirator could well be a character made up to add conflict- lots of it- to an already conflicted forum. I don't think he's a particularly good villian but, others are easy to please. Topix is rife with socks- fake profiles that people use to puff up their arguments or simply to have someone to talk to.

I was fairly certain that many *people* on the old Chicago dregs thread were figments of someone's imagination- most likely A770. Some might have even been pass-around profiles where certain posters would have custody of the character for a day or so. There were plenty of contradictions with some profiles. A770 *herself* couldn't keep her own story straight, sometimes, for example, being born in France and others here in the USA. She...would pass that off as one of her "interns" playing around on the computer....

And people bought that. Recall that her story was she was a psychologist with a grant from the government to study Topix.... So, interns, ya know, do the darndest things!

Most telling though is people who were high-profile coming and going, willy-nilly. The PMer was always *getting banned* and having to create a new profile. The thing was, he never actually did anything to get *banned*. He wasn't vulgar or homicidal like so many posters are. He was just *unpopular* so many posters are.... Thus he would *get banned* and that cocksucker Sam would take credit for the banning.

 Sam would regularly set a deadline for my being banned and that deadline would pass and he'd re-set it and that one would pass and so on and so on... After a few of those promises, it was beyond pathetic, so much so that it wasn't even funny anymore. Yet the other guy was always losing his, like every couple of weeks...for nothing... It wasn't much of a warning for a Ferrerman. I think it was more of forgetting a password for a profile and then it turned into a *warning*... Many of these assholes have 50 to a hundred or more, each requiring a separate e-mail address. What kind of a fucking psycho endeavours to do that? It truly is a sickness. AND, they manage to hold down well-paying jobs, unlike goddamned liberals...

Perhaps you can tell I've grown tired of this shit? The trolls are rampant and ravenous whether you feed them or not and whether it's politics or socializing. It's all the same. Anyone looking at a title-shot with The Ferrerman better dream on. No one is worthy. I shall retire as champion! I'm in The Hall Of Fame, ya know? Reality sets in for some...not so much for others...

Good luck! I'll be *around*. After all, I'm the reason this town is afraid of Ferrerman!

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