When I was a young Ferrerman, my friend and I used to raid his dad's sock drawer where he kept his Playboy magazines from our curious eyes. No weird boyhood adventures of circle-jerking (we weren't from Texas!) just, pre-pubescent exploration. We had heard through the neighborhood news network (older dudes) that women had hair down there. Well, where the Hell was it? We knew where 'down there' was (in relative proximity to our own down there but, decidedly different) but, where o' where was the hair?
A simpler time, indeed. Today one could click on any porn site and look at a thousand naked women until they might find one with pubic hair. Rookies might see that *one* and say that she needs to see a doctor about that! There shouldn't be such growth there! GAAAROOOSSSS!
In the 60's Hugh Hefner was not allowed to show pubic hair. He wouldn't push that envelope until the 70's after Penthouse publisher, Bob Guccione, opened that envelope and spread it out on the table. Hef relied on the airbrush to make his 'mates both perfect and legal for public consumption. Before the trend of women going bald took off, I recalled the generally reliable Playboy Advisor column deeming the desire for shaving women's pubic region clean to be 'pedophila'. He surmised that one female letter writer surely had been raped as a child and wanted to relive that experience. Oh. Of course... Another wondered if she should submit to her boyfriends request that she shave, He wrote him off as a creep who wanted to be with a young girl. Oh. Well, you sure have to read between the lines!
I quit reading after that. The dude seemed to know his stuff about which wine to serve with what dish and the stereo system drama of the day, but, he was stuck on stupid with the pedo/shaving question.
Who knows why each woman or man defoliates the forest. It's a trendy, popular thing to do is likely the number one answer. You and the girlfriend saw it in a porno, you wondered aloud....she thought it looked OK.... The next thing you know, razor sales and wax treatments are way up. Similar to the ubiquitous bottled water.
Ya know, it's not my vagina. This is still America. If a woman wants to do that, it is her business. I grew up desiring bush, believing in it's existence and liking it. If the carpet doesn't exactly match the drapes, I don't care. Contrast is nice. Odd though that, in an era where seemingly anything goes, pubic hair has all but gone away, as if it were the 60's again.
Oh my, my cheeks are blushing.
Honestly, I have thought one of the reasons for de-bushing was because men wanted a girl, not a woman.
I wonder what women will do next to please a man?
Grow it back? :)
There must be a litany of reasons why but, I think it's fashion most of all.
Some of us do it because our bathing suits require it. =)
I'll have to check the instructions on my speedo.
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