Thursday, January 26, 2012

Check here

Lots of loose talk these days about taxes. Ron Paul doesn't think anyone should pay taxes and fans of the others currently running for the republican nomination are just about ready to go to war because Obama thinks rich people should pay more. This outrages working class republicans because they have been told that rich people are job creators not *rich people*. We are regularly reminded that, 'no poor person ever gave me a job!'

Duh. Neither, they might add, is it a good thing to rob Peter to pay Paul. Peter doesn't think so. Paul disagrees.

Many people act as if they alone are being asked to support poor people- usually black and certainly democrat. It's as if the IRS regularly comes to their home or work and turns their pockets inside out everytime some little colored kid needs breakfast. It's not that way, of course. Hyperbole aside, their federal taxes have not gone up under Obama. If state taxes have, that's not Barack's doing. It's the business of the individual state's, the same states that some think ought to be totally left alone by the Federal government so that they can enjoy sovereignty like the founders allegedly intended because, left to their own devices, they'll surely prosper. Alabama can have slaves again. Idaho can go to war with Iran. California can go to war with Colorado and take their water. Mississippi can carry on as it always has. No one will know.

But, all that seems a bit extreme even though some people might see it as a start....

We've had social programs as safety nets for our poorer citizens and those trying not to become poorer since FDR and The Great Depression. FDR was a democrat and, though long dead, is hated by republicans for all that he did, just as democrats revere him. They act as if he set up all this stuff just yesterday along with Saul Alinsky and Barack Obama. The truth is though, since FDR passed we've had a lot of republican presidents and none of them have done much to eliminate these programs. they seemed more concerned with making their rich friends- JOB CREATOR FRIENDS- more creative than in making poor people poorer. Most recently we had GW Bush. Just three years ago he finished up an eight year term in office where he could have allayed the non-benevolent fears of all republicans that poor people might have refrigerators and televisions but he went to a couple of wars instead.

These republicans always have bitched about poor people having such luxuries on the government dime but they never expect anything to be done about it until a democrat is in the White House. Stupid fuckers! They are like people who love football but go to a soccer game and wonder why they don't throw the ball and/or run with it. They either just don't get it or they are at the wrong game. Timing is everything.

But, since no IRS people are actually coming to any republican homestead, taking cash and giving it to folks across the tracks and since, as a taxpayer you actually have no control how the government spends whatever you couldn't hide in the Cayman Islands, could we maybe have a little fun with our tax returns?

You'd still have to pay (unless you're a heroic job creator) but, like the presidential fund, you could have the OPTION of checking a box if you want $1 to go to an out of work guy named 'Jimmy' or a single mom raising four kids. It's a choice, America. And that dollar will not effect your refund. Checking the box might make some people pleased that they are helping out a brother or a sister. NOT checking the box might cheer up others and make them think they fucked some loser.

It's all political sleight of hand, of course, but maybe it will shut up some of these assholes.


GorgeousArtGal said...

You aren't half bad for a Democrat.

ex-ferrer said...

I just have my moments. The republican one's pass after I lie down for a bit.

Maggie said...

Bravo! You should be in the debates. Of course they won't listen, but there will be a voice of reason.

ex-ferrer said...

I would love to debate them! I think Newt would troll me though....