Dedicated non-readers of this space know that Ferrerman brings the politics and social commentary pretty good. It's not hard really. It's just in how you do it. The opponents, regardless of where they walk or drive in life, all have the same sorry positions to defend. An educated, almost-lawyer in North Carolina has the same reichtarded views as a drunken, sorta-electrician in Oregon. They may begin from different coasts and educations but they wind up in the same cesspool of nonsense, politically or socially. It all comes down to right and wrong, no matter how well or poorly you say it.
I heard Neil De Grasse Tyson discussing this recently. He compared the bulk of most lawyers to members of the debate team in high school. I never participated in debates but the familiarity is that you are given a topic and a stance and then tasked with defending it. It doesn't matter whether you believe in your position or not. You win by defending *your* position better (in the eyes of the judges) than your opponent. Well, isn't that our judicial system in a nutshell?
This is why there is a debate about climate science and global warming. Despite 97% of scientists all over the world, using overwhelming scientific evidence, concluding that carbon emissions are destroying the planet, we wind up with debate over something that is pretty obvious, just because it's natural for someone to have an opposing viewpoint, even for unnatural reasons.
I'm all for dissent but, dissent for dissent's sake is a waste of everyone's time.
Possibly worse though, is on cable news where, to appear non-partisan, CNN or MSNBC will detail the fraud and criminality that clearly is Donald Trump and then try to balance that with the ridiculous scandal of Hillary Clinton's emails while regurgitating that "some people consider her untrustworthy..." Oh. Well, that clears that up! They're the same!
Not everything is debatable. But, everything is debated. You could debate the weather and some people- soaked in the rain- would tell you they are dry. That's the internet in general and Topix in particular.
I rarely get good debate on Topix. Actually, I'm not sure if I ever have. Also not sure it's even possible. What I get in response to my brilliance essentially ranges from "your a deadbeat!"(sic) to a Google image of what is presumed to be "the boarding house" that I surely live in. I basically just get attacked. Maybe the best defense is a poor offense? Sure seems that way.
Ad hominem attacks are as common as weeds on the internet. Harder to control though. Though I'm not trying to *win*, I can't help but win when nearly every assertion I make in a post is countered by "your a deadbeat" (sic).
Back in January of this year, Danny Christensen of Eugene, Oregon (as seen elsewhere in this blog) called the house and left three messages. I assume the asshole was drunk. The gist of it was that I should "leave (his) brother alone" and that he would be coming to Chicago to "talk" to me. Danny played "Dr. Dirty" on Topix-Offbeat but, to my knowledge at the time, wasn't posting. I have no idea what prompted him to call and threaten me.
Well, in the imaginary world of Topix, no one actually "goes away". These mentally ill people are characters. The characters may come and go but the actual fingers on the keyboards remain.
(It's amazing but, you read all the time from people with avatars/profiles extolling others to 'man-up" and have "the guts to show your face" by registering... a totally fake profile.... And you thought Trump's 5 year quest to get to the bottom of President Obama's birth certificate was farcical? How does an avatar with a phony name by way of a throwaway email provide identity?)
So, why was Danny suddenly re-involved in Topix and making impotent, drunken threats against me in defense of a brother of his that he would not name? I have no fucking idea. How do you begin to justify someone's mental illness? Why should you?
Just as a lie doesn't become truth because a majority believes it, a lie doesn't become truth because you defend it by attacking someone over it by way of slander or innuendo or, outright vulgarity. That works in the imaginary world of Topix but actually, not very well there either. I rather doubt that anyone reading from the sidelines as Ferrerman posts against Trump's bullshit plan to build a wall or the mass deportation of Muslims and Mexicans, sees *Sam* counter with "Hows the blog going, deadbeat?" (sic) as a valid counterpoint. Like; "How will Ferrerman survive that?!"
I've left a few thousand of those comments unanswered. Probably 95% of them were posted by *Sam* who usually is played by the aforementioned, Danny. Others fill in. It's pretty easy to be *Sam*. You just need a proxy and an empty head and soul.
Somewhat more worthy of battle is, Sublime1. Michael fancies himself a lawyer because evidently he did attend law school and graduated, yet never dropped the hammer on taking and passing the bar exam to actually be a lawyer. He does something with patents for a Swedish car company. Michael is quite Ayn Randian in his views of the world. The son of a millionaire who paid for his schooling, he considers himself to be one of those John Galt/Donald Trump types who pulled themselves up by the bootstraps despite having a daddy that gave them those boots, straps and all. It's not his fault that daddy is rich. He would have turned out well even if born poor. That's just the way it is...
Sub's tiresome but, he can be fun just because he's one of those that just has no clue how transparent his bullshit is. He's a "family values" type of guy who, despite being married, delights in posting masturbation fantasies of him and the wife's swinging lifestyle. They may be swingers but, I rather doubt it. He posts about random women frequently falling in lust with his short, bald, middle-aged self. It's some pretty obvious self-aggrandizing nonsense from a very needy person. I think he just likes to fantasize a lot.
Sub's pretty racist but, where he gets kinda interesting is when he uses his education to defend his racism. Of course, people who do that don't believe that they are the least bit racist. They're just enlightened, I guess. I love fucking with people like that! He will resort to "deadbeat" taunts but he generally takes such a wordy, circuitous route to get there that usually involves his muscles, the law, his obvious desirability to women and something to do with how many people worship not only his motorcycle but him for having it. It makes for some curious reading. However, when someone gives you an intellectual essay on how horrible black people are, you have to give them props when they try to do it with $20 words used in complete sentences. Sub does that. It's still racist though. Even when he lauds "the Asians" for their perceived family, education and work ethic, it's to denigrate the blacks for his perception that they are lacking in those qualities and (I guess...) maybe that's why they get shot by the cops so much- even though percentage-wise he purports that cops actually shoot more whites than blacks. Therefore, why is there a Black Lives Matter movement and a Black Entertainment Television network?!? Throw in some hero worship of him from life-affirming strangers and you have a typical Sublime post. Thousands of them....
Now, having said that, this post has become Sublime-like in length! Oops! I hope that doesn't detract from the message! If it does, go fuck yourself, deadbeat! Does that suffice?
I've missed your blog. Glad to see it's up and running again. Your as witty as ever. To catch up, the Chicago crowd gets smaller by the minute. Seems Pellen has left and taken Blue with her. Subs bored and looking for a fight (elsewhere). And Crunchy continues to spend his days on the internet googling content bordering on criminal. Any unsolved murders in Florida? Really, the FBI ought to be examining his hard drive.
BTW the new format is super groovy
Thanks! I haven't even looked there in months. I'm not surprised that anyone has left, nor am I surprised that the unusual suspects ARE left. It's been a swamp for years but not one that even Trump could drain and refill.
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