First, let's dispel the myth of "fluffers" or "fluff girls" as they pertain to porn films. The myth is that they have girls on set to keep guys erect while they stage scenes and move cameras around and get the sound and lighting right. They actually do that, you know- the changing of the camera angles and typical movie-making magic. It may be "Two Women And A Pizza Delivery Guy" but actual movie professionals work on the mainstream porn films and take them very seriously. There's no need for a gal on the set to fellate a male actor to keep him erect for the next scene. He's got a hand for that.
So, what Matt Lauer did the other night at the Commander In Chief Forum on NBC wasn't him fluffing Trump. It was more of a full-on blow job given to Trump. Matt Lauer swallows!
Well, most of the media does. He's not alone. Most all swallow Trump.
Throughout this never-ending election cycle the media has been accused of coddling Trump, even making him the candidate he is today, for their own profit. Months ago the Chairman of CBS pretty much said that Trump was a moneymaker for CBS. True, he couldn't have done it without them. Ask Gary Johnson or Jill Stein about that. The axiom in the news business has long been "If it bleeds, it leads!" And Trump hemorrhages news. He's a train wreck wrapped in hurricane. You can only report on the phenomena that Bernie Sanders was so much when he's doing nothing but repeatedly making sense about how the 1% is strangling the country. It's true but it's boring! They naturally want to cover the guy that openly fantasizes about building a YUGE wall and making our neighbor pay for it, to keep that neighbor's people out because they're mostly murderers and rapists...though some, he assumes, are good people. News-wise you have to go with the freak rather than the voice of reason and boring sensibility. There's a reason Fox is number one in cable news.
The reason is that stupid people really rock our world. The ones that swallow Trump and other actual republicans keep the network dicks hard. And that equates to money. It's that stupidly simple.
Why did Lauer get on his knees for Trump? Ratings. I doubt Matt's capable of sparring with Trump (though he did go after Hillary) but, should he? Would it do any good?
A competent moderator or interviewer could destroy Trump. He's clearly an idiot and politically no match for even a first year political science major. He has no idea how government, the military or the Constitution works. You could destroy him at every turn of a phrase as he's as politically astute as a fourth grader. That happens to be the level he converses at, by the way. It works so well because his fan base is at the same level of understanding. It works for him because he works for them- politically. These are the people who believe Barack Obama can still take their guns away and that if he doesn't, Hillary will. They claim that Obama is a ruthless dictator (though a weak one at that) and thus, a real, strong dictator is needed to protect the country. Essentially they are ignoring the built in checks and balances of democracy and the three branches of government for the wont of a guy who praises Vladimir Putin for his strength. They'd be pleased with Putin-style government here...because it would undo all the damage that communist Muslim Obama wreaked upon the country...
We are an irony-deficient nation at times. Well, some of us are.
It's like trying to fucking nail Jello to the wall asking Trump to answer questions in a concise and coherent manner. You would like to see them at least try but, I think that the reality is it's pushing a round rock up a hill. Journalists of all degrees of talent could call him on his bullshit all day long but, that would take all day long. Frankly, if they did, they'd look like bullies in the minds of his unwashed masses. That would strengthen him in those blind eyes as well. He'd be under attack...
There's no shortage of good journalists and pundits out there who would eviscerate Trump if given the chance. They won't be given the chance though. Media doesn't work that way. Just when you think it should, you take a look at Fox and you quickly realize how it can be abused. We're left with Monday morning quarterbacking instead and that has to suffice.
Trump himself isn't the problem. It's the idiots who blindly follow him and swallow what he gives them. The guy with the sign on the street corner, who screams out Bible verses and inanity annoys us but, we move on past him. He's a harmless fool- until he gets a following. Without believers, he's just ranting. Follow the money in politics and you'll discover this and that and the ways and means of the movers and shakers. But the followers themselves? Watch the parking meters. The followers aren't.
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