Monday, September 9, 2013

Big Brother15 restores my faith in America!

The stupid Big Brother show just might have restored my faith in humanity and my country!


Big Brother 15 has been a train wreck. The cast this season is rife with racists, bigots and worse- one nose picker.  I'm pleased though that the viewing audience is not happy with this. The people do not delight in the crazed antics of Amanda, the probably  not-so-Aryan blondness racism of Aaryn and the general assholiness of the remaining five. The consensus of we the people seems to be no one deserves the money.

I find that unusual. People tend to defend and justify aberrant behavior where money is involved. Look at sports, religion, movies, corporations and Donald Trump and try and tell me different. We're capitalists first and Americans after the deal is negotiated. If Ariel Castro had made millions enslaving those women he'd be alive and probably not in jail, instead making the rounds of talk shows, selling his book.

I've been following a Facebook page about this BB season and it seems that 99% of the fans are disgusted with the cast and the direction the show has taken. Many think the fix is in- or, was in until popular outrage intervened. The word was that the player, Amanda, is a friend of the show's producer, Alison Grodner, and had been picked to *win* the $500,000. Amanda, however, was such a c-word that with that rumor tied to her c-wordish behavior, the integrity of the show was seriously in doubt. I would not be surprised if she did receive a settlement- maybe $500,000- to leave the show as a non-winner.

They're not allowed to talk about it but, I think it's rather obvious that contracts are involved here.  A few people get cut early and are free to go back to their lives but, at a point, some are obligated to go to jury for the remainder of the game, This can be several weeks of further isolation. I'm pretty certain a few tens of thousands of dollars are involved once a player is at that stage of the game. Other wise, people would walk. Wouldn't you? Once the half million dollar carrot is no longer dangling in front of you, what's your incentive? You give up 6-7 more weeks of your life to sit around with no TV/phone/internet to help decide who gets the money?

They've barely shown the jury house this year. Is anyone really there? They usually make a big deal of the new arrivals and how they are greeted by others in the jury- others that they might have voted out. If Amanda (the c-word) got paid, why would she stay there? Elissa is married to a very successful man. She might be done slumming. Aaryn, Jessie and Helen might be there fulfilling contractual obligations. Is it just me being a Ferrerman that has noticed that- except for Amanda the c-word- all the women voted off have spankable bottoms? That's very, very wrong.

The integrity of the show was further called into question when a short clip was leaked showing someone literally behind the scenes touching Helen on the leg during a competition. Helen wasn't pushed, as some have interpreted it. I think she was tapped to fall out of the event. It was her time to go. I recall one of the contestants revealing that they were told going into the game that it wasn't a level playing field. What else could that mean? It's scripted. You can tell that in the Diary Room interviews. These people are not ad-libbing. Listen to them talk outside the "DR". They are idiots.  In a show with live feeds and cameras everywhere in the house, the DR is how producers guide the cast.

I don't know if all the housemates know this. They're playing roles? Maybe some of those roles are dupes? Is it asking too much for 16 or so people to play along with a program like this using only their wits?

I think so. I think they are told who to vote for and against and they know that going in. It's in the contract. Imagine- in America-  people being told how to vote! The horror...

That creepy Andy scumbag mentioned something odd last night on the After dark show, something about the "new format". There's nothing technically different about this season than the last aside from the usual twists that spice up the game. Might the new format be abject racism and hostility? The takeaway from this season seems to be hate speak is free speech. Was anyone more surprised than Aaryn when Julie Chen called her out for her racism on the live show after Aaryn had been evicted? Was anyone more disappointed than the viewing audience when Julie Chen did not call Amanda (the c-word) out for her racist rants? Mixed messages, for sure.

This current crop of BB assholes literally takes the cake. Evidently, after Elissa was evicted, a cake with her picture on it (for some reason) was found in the refrigerator and fat fuck, Spencer- the perpetual nose picker- suggested they put the cake in the toilet and *piss and take dumps on it*.  But, of course.... Elissa was evicted last Thursday and as of Sunday night, these miscreants were still talking about her as if she were the worst person in the history of the world. I'm not an Elissa fan but, I don't get the level of contempt for her. I'm sure when the show is done these cocksuckers will  justify their contempt because they were there and we weren't and we just didn't know how horrible she was/is....

Um, did the housemates miss the part where everything they did and said was public? They are not currently talking about Amanda the c-word out of respect for McCrae maybe? He's next to go on the schedule but, something tells me they won't talk bad about her even after she's gone. You see, the word is, her and McCrae are signed to do "The Amazing Race" after Big Brother. No telling whether they are scheduled to win that yet.

So, McCranda is America's next TV couple. Move over Boston Rob and Amber. Make room for the C-word and the Pizza Delivery Boy. Ya know, I'm beginning to think there isn't really an Amish Mafia either after all...


Crunchy Bacon @home- DRUNK! said...

Take a Midol and stick a plug in it Nancy boy.

News flash, reality TV is a scam. The shows are all staged and scripted... every.... last.... one.....

Thinking reality TV is real is like calling WWF wrestling a legit, competitive sport.

I never had much respect for your intelligence, but this is a new low, even by ferrerman standards.

Quite pathetic dude, your fail is complete.

ex-ferrer said...


Thanks for taking time from your busy troll schedule!

Crunchy Bacon @home, drunk and masturbating while pretending he's Sublime. said...

De nada.

BTW - you're starting to sound like an obese house frau talking about her favorite soaps.

Incoming man card revocation.

ex-ferrer said...

Leave Mrs Bacon out of this. Sheesh- show her some respect!

ToxicWikiLeaks said...

I can't believe Crunchy Bacon actually attempts to get through a moderated blog. Quite pathetic, his fail is complete

I will have a tuna sandwich for lunch

ex-ferrer said...

He's dumber than he looks!

AND, a VERY dedicated non-reader for one who is such a fussbudget about this blog he pretends to despise.

Barbi said...

"Catfish" is no scam!!
Last episode a chinless woman with long teeth found out her Facebook fiancé was a dude who looked and acted like one of the cartoon furniture movers on that MTV video for Dire Straits song!


ex-ferrer said...

I had catfish for dinner.

Anonymous said...

Oops! Disregard my previous comment! I was wrong!! But he's still a KevTard!;)