OK. It's looking more and more like it's impossible to raise the minimum wage. Doing so would absofuckinglutely ruin the economy and, quite likely, destroy the planet. Not rather quickly like pollution and fracking but, immediately- if not sooner. There just is no way business can afford to pay workers more. In fact, they want to eliminate the minimum and be free to pay less!
Well, we can't do that. If these folks can't pay $7.25 an hour because they can't deal with a minimum, the next logical step would be slavery. You take away minimums and that's where you wind up. We tried that before and, it wasn't pretty. Besides, as any conservative will tell you, liberals coddled blacks so much that they will never go for the slavery thing again. So trying to enslave them and whites, Hispanics and Asians might rouse the rabble a bit. You know how entitled liberals have made people feel these days. Shit. Anti-capitalist fuckers.
Personally, I think that if you are Walmart (for example) and make billions of dollars a year but can't afford to pay workers a living wage, it's time to get out of the business. If your profit margin is that thin, that paying people a few dollars more would break you, just get out of the selling everything business, kick back and collect welfare. Ask your former employees how to do that, they know. Or, if Walmart is enterprising, Walmart could go to work for Costco. They pay well, include nice benefits and are quite successful. Who knows how they do it. Communism?
Well, I have a solution and, yep, it does involve lowering wages- dramatically.
It also involves lowering the cost of everything.
You want to pay people $2 an hour as the minimum for entry-level jobs like it's 1973? Fine. When you leave your nice, $32,500 home, get into your brand new, $2900 AMC Javelin, pick up your coworker from his $175 a month apartment, stop and get some $.40 a gallon gasoline and remember to stop on the way home and pick up a dozen eggs for 45 cents.
Those are the figures I got off an internet site so, that's why the Javelin- the best car AMC ever made- was included. It was their call. You and you're co-worker aren't making $2 bucks an hour and having all those things but, if you go to lunch at McDonalds, the kid who takes your order is and he's doing pretty good really. He's going to go to college and work his way through with a similar job along with grants and loans. If he doesn't go to college, he goes into the workforce and makes a good living.
Forty years later we have added $5.25 to that hourly wage. You can easily buy a car for $32,500 but not a house. Not one that is habitable. Gas costs about 10 times more, 4 decades later. That $32k home is *worth* $400,000? The price of everything started to take off after that, perhaps around the time Ronald Reagan became president. Ronnie liked smacking Unions. Somehow it made sense to the corporations that wages should stagnate while prices rose. E-Z credit could help fill the wage gap. And Lotto. Once low wages and ever increasing prices overwhelmed you, you'd win the lottery and everything would be fine. The American dream, re-defined.
As I recall, there were rich people in the 70's. It was actually a good time to be rich. I mean, it's always a good time to be rich but, think of what a million dollars bought then compared to now. Think about that $32,500 house. How many could you buy then (for cash)? THIRTY! You could buy but two and a half now (and not furnish them) or just two with some chairs, maybe a table.
Oh fuck! I'm feeling sorry for rich people for fucking themselves while they fucked us, now! Yikes!
Well, no wonder Walmart can't feel safe even with dozens of billions in profits. They pretty much have to fuck workers and depend on the Federal government to provide healthcare for their workers.
The various tea party's and their political wing- the GOP- want to take us back to simpler times. OK, they prefer anytime from the Revolutionary War to pre- Civil Rights but, that's not fair for our black brothers and sisters. Well, to no one but the rich, really. So, lets compromise on 70's. Why not? Drop wages and drop prices. Fucking easy! And bring those troops home from Vietnam! Oops- Afghanistan. Vietnam was That 70's war. Some things never change.
I always used the postage stamp for the comparison game.
Funny thing with Reagan - when he was president of SAG screen actor guild, he was a liberal democrat that managed to bring the studio system to it's knees. He staged a five week walk out in the negotiation for actor residuals (which they achieved).The producers also threw in seed money for a new union health insurance and pension plan.
Once Reagan started working as GE's spokesman his rhetoric went from being anti "Big Business" to attacking "Big Government"
Reagan and Greenspan's trickle down economics???
In 1981 Reagan slashed top income taxes on from 70% to 50%. In 1988 they were slashed once more, down to 28% Bush added another 2% in tax cuts. And thats where we sit now.
And that low wage? you have to work harder then ever to produce it - with corpo CEO's slashing "waste" (thats us) to the bone. One man now does the work of three. Be appreciative for the crumbs sonny, your living in the greatest country on earth. Sam Walmart says so
btw: Union solidarity in Poland led to the break up of the Soviet Union
I will have a turkey pot pie for lunch
Reagan really was the beginning of the end for the middle class. Did you know that, except for the 7 or 8 times he raised taxes, Ronald Reagan NEVER raised taxes? Yup.
I had a BLT.
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