"No fat chicks!"
~ Homer J. Trump
Of all the insanity of this election, Trump doubling, tripling and quadrupling down on his ill treatment of former Miss Universe, Alicia Machado is perhaps the most puzzling. It strikes me as more of Trump's (perceived) "tell it like it is/blunt *honesty*" persona that idiots admire so much.
Republicans have long been leading up to this though. What is condemnation of political correctness but a backlash by assholes against common decency? They are once again trying normalize their assholiness.
Yet Hillary's assertion that half of his supporters belong in a "basket of deplorables" is seen by them as "offensive"? That was extremely tame (but honest!) on her part. Anyone offended by that, basks in the basket of deplorability.
But, what about spankability? More precisely, the once upon a time, robust spankability of a former Miss Universe? Alicia Machado is lovely by any tip of the scale.
It's interesting that one of the angles of the oh-so-republican attack is from the oh-so-republican angle of business because, as pedestrians have noted, there was a weight clause in her contract. There you go. It was legal. I've seen the same defense with slavery before. Forget morality. Forget right or wrong. It was "legal". You gotta read that fine print when you sign.
True. But, have you fully read your iTunes agreement or anything else you have signed off on internet-wise? Whether you did read or not, you owe iTunes your first born child. Look it up! You signed it!
That aside, she signed nothing saying Trump could drag her body through the mud, years later. The asshole chose that tact himself. Hillary helped by mentioning it in the debate but Trump and his apologists opted to bring their supply of shovels. It was a brilliant move on Hillary's part. She baited him but it either takes off like this or it's ignored. It worked. It dovetailed nicely with her current commercial of all the other horrible things Trump has said about women and (as per the commercial) and how it pertains to women of all ages. The guy is a fucking pig. There's no doubt about it. They counter that Hillary is worse but, the only bad things she has to say about women were about the tramps who slept with her husband. What would you expect from a spurned wife- sisterhood?!
Beauty is subjective. I can assure you that millions of men prefer full-figured women. But, this isn't really about that. As all things in life these days, it's all about Trump and how he feels picked on because Hillary and the media won't stop him from digging all these holes for himself.
Trump isn't funny anymore. He hasn't been funny for awhile. I personally do not know anyone who supports him. The closest you get is people who are just so anti-Hillary that they seem to be supporting Trump. When pressed though, they won't commit to voting for Trump. That basket of deplorables might be bigger than polls suggest. You toss in people who know Trump is a deplorable, incompetent candidate but they hate Hillary for generic, unsubstantiated reasons, and that certainly is a recipe for political catastrophe, right here in the United States.
Frightening. A major party candidate spends part of a debate and then five days attacking a woman who was Miss Universe twenty years ago, for her past weight gain. A nation that is already dangerously obese supports that. Incredible! And, on top of that, he and they want to take away health care from millions of Americans and replace it with nothing. That's not healthy for America.
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