Marital Arts experts, Newt Gingrich and Rudy Giuliani, are all over television talking about how wrong it was for Hillary Clinton to have had an adulterous husband. Yeah... what was she thinking? Add in their candidate, Donald Trump- who feels the same way- and you've got three adulterous husbands with nine marriages between them. That's three apiece, if you're scoring at home, which all of these guys were apparently doing, by the way. Say what you will about Bill and Hillary, they have been married- to each other- for 42 years. For the other three, the art of marriage is quite a bit more abstract. Art is soooo subjective.
Each one of the three committed adultery multiple times. This should preclude them from criticizing anyone but, their own indiscretions have been overlooked by them. Rudy says he's Roman Catholic and has been forgiven for his sins via confession to a priest and besides "everyone cheats". Oh. If only that cleared that up. It doesn't.
Newt served a cancer-ridden wife with divorce papers while she lay on a hospital bed. Trump has auditioned two wives for the unreality show that is his life while married to others. Rudy had one move into his house, I guess to encourage the then-wife to leave. These guys have no shame in their game.
Nor are they the least bit ashamed to publicly stone Hillary for her treatment of the women who transgressed with her husband. They cite her contempt for those tramps as being her contempt for all women. She's been a champion of women all her life. Just not a handful of women who slept with her husband. Go and figure!
Well, that is what those three Marital Arts champions have done. Forget Trump's affairs. Forget his long, public feud with Rosie O'Donnell. Forget his fat-shaming of Miss Universe 1996, Alicia Machado and thousands of random comments about random women over the years for being "fat" or "ugly" or "not a ten (because they are flat-chested)". Turns out it is Hillary who is bad for negatively portraying her husband's willing conquests! There's no word on whether the terrible trio's wives had anything but praise for the women their men cheated with. Maybe they thanked them?
It's hard to see what the bottom line is in this ridiculous election because every time you think the republicans have bottomed out, they find a way to go lower.
Adultery is as old as the hills in politics but divorce used to be an eliminator for anyone seeking the presidency. Only Ronald Reagan comes to mind as a president/candidate who had a divorce on his marital record. Today, evangelical Christians overlook Trump's marriages just like fiscal conservatives overlook his bankruptcies. It's a cost of doing business, I guess. It's rare to have success without some failure and, if you're going to win big, you're risking losing big. I guess that is what they are thinking. The evangelicals are not really saying much about it at all. That's why we get the Marital Triad of Newt, Rudy and the Trump himself condemning Hillary and Bill for- I don't know- staying together? My God- who does that?!
Divorces and multiple marriages would seem to be a *good thing* in the Family Values Party, at least for now. Evidently working things out is not an option with them. Just repeal and replace.
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