That's what I hate about the alleged conservatives of the republican party. If you want to control government spending, if that will make you feel better in your life, you have to believe it's necessary to control other people's lives as well. So, to get that, you have to sign up for things you may not interest you so much. You don't have to believe but, you signed up, just the same.
The republican party has issues. In fact, they will be against anything your cold, little heart hates as long as you sign up for everything else they are against. Whether it is the old stand-by of abortion to maybe even zoology, if you are against it, they'll be against it too, as long as it fits their platform.
Most republicans probably don't really believe everything they hear on Fox news or from the mouths of Sarah Palin, Louis Gohmert, Ted Nugent or any of the rest of the parade of fools that speak for the GOP/TEA party. But, they willfully go along with most or all of it, because they have one or two issues that they truly support. They might bite their tongues and they might cover their ears from time to time but, they suck it up and vote for it all in support of their one or two issues.
Fiscal conservatism is supposed to be the basis of the GOP. It's their thing. But, it's so lost in translation over the years that it's not funny and it's more scary than it used to be. It's not a senator or congressman standing up and questioning how that dam will be paid for, it's that person standing up and refusing to pay for that damn dam in the first place- unless, of course, it's in his district... Well, that's politics as usual and it's also bi-partisan. And, it's not the least bit fiscally conservative because it doesn't ask how a damn or a program will be paid for. It asks: What can we not pay for, to save money?
And you have to believe that we the people can all save money by eliminating welfare and other social services because this is America and we all made it on our own- why can't you? You gotta believe that then these lazy niggers will get off their asses and get jobs because now, they have to. What you don't have to believe is that whites (many of them republican) are the majority of welfare recipients. Do the math. Blacks are 14% of the population. How can they dominate in any category but the NBA? 14% is not Mitt Romney's 47% no matter how you do the math. But, ya gotta believe that it is.
You gotta believe that all wealthy people are "job creators" regardless of how they attained or perpetuate their wealth. A trust fund is as a factory does. If you've got it, flaunt it and you should not have to pay those punishing taxes! Of course, someone does have to pay taxes and you have to subscribe that those lazy, do-nothing poor people should pay taxes... Didn't Jesus say something along the lines of: Render unto Caesar all that which is of the least of my brethren? Something like that? You also have to believe in Jesus even if you don't because Christianity is another aspect of the buy in.
You also have to believe that Obama will take away our guns even though he has made not even one move suggesting that he will. You have to believe that's exactly how tricky he is. He's obviously waiting until the last moment when he takes over the country and declares himself Messiah For Life. Well, your average republican probably doesn't really believe that but, he doesn't argue with the ones that do.
See, there's the buy-in again. Ya gotta believe...and you gotta accept that Christian values are under attack by liberals and that gay marriage destroys the sanctity of marriage even though one out of two marriages (perhaps your own) ends in divorce.
You gotta believe that liberals and their lame stream media invented global warming just because they hate business. There's just no fucking way that a billion cars spewing fossil fuels and factories and the modern techniques used in creating almost everything of the past century could possibly hurt the environment. They never did during the time of our founders, or Jesus.... No, you have to believe it's all made up, possibly to make Al Gore rich because he thinks he invented the internet....
You know where I am going with this. How stupid is it to believe that everything a president or a party does is wrong, wronger, wrongest? It isn't just stupid goons on Topix or on Fox. At least the Topix goons are anonymous but, the pundits on Fox are saying and doing on tape for posterity. There are people who simply do not care how foolish they are if it gets them airtime and a decent paycheck. If you can forgive or understand a Steve Doocey or a Judge Jeannie making a buck, how do you understand those who give it away- those who do the believing?
If I didn't know these people really existed, I wouldn't believe it.
Have you seen the political ad where Mark Kirk talks about what a great guy Bob Dold is, where he says something about being fiscally conservative but a social moderate?
As if it matters when they belong to the Republican party and vote lock-step with the rest of them.
When you vote for a Republican you're not voting for an individual, you're voting for that party because they don't allow any of their flock to go rogue anymore.
Even if these two guys are more moderate in some ways it doesn't mean anything because they're part of the party of believers. I doubt they're happy about that, but not so unhappy as to do the right thing and break away.
The lock-step is real and scary. Like all the people who signed Grover Norquists pledge to never, ever increase taxes. Refuse to sign, or break that pledge,and they'll work against you. It's the same with NRA money too. Any kind of compromise or bipartisanship can be seen as weak. Submitting to that IS weak. It's so easy for them to believe the party line because it's all laid out for them and there really is no other choice. Ya gotta believe....
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