Friday, April 4, 2014


Hegel and I have felt all along that we have been fighting on Topix with the same people and that, at least a few of them were Topix moderators. You just get a feel for the way people write and you know after awhile. When you're a Ferrerman, for example, you get used to new posters hating your fucking guts right off the bat. Some waste no time....

It's entertaining when alleged new trolls come along and meet other trolls as if for the first time. This happened recently on the Chicago Forum, When Annabella Met Sublime1. Talk about a dog and pony show! They pretend to just meet each other despite Annabella showing as Angelique770 in replies on the Chicago Regs thread, dating back to August of '09. It's pretty obvious stuff. Clearly, Angelique770 changed her profile to Annabella. Duh!

How do people fall for this stuff? In the Chicago regs case, some of the old timers want to stick their heads in the sand and forget about how Angelique770 abused their trust. Some newer posters might want too as well, since they weren't there at the time. I get that.

The problem with sticking your head in the sand is it leaves your ass out in the open! You can't see who is fucking you that way! Yikes! Some folks go through life like that. I recommend cast iron underpants.

But, I digress. I want to know who I can trust on the threads as well as in real life. It's very difficult in both venues. If I were on the outside of this, looking in, I'd be extremely wary of people who pretend to meet for the first time, when it's very well documented that they have been incahoots for years. It's not lost on me that the particulars that stonewall Hegel and I on these things are all republicans. They also have their heads in the sand. No matter how obvious the transgression, they respond like party loyalists and say: "Well, YOU would say that!" It's like when you link a current event (like the USSC's McCutcheon decision but you do it via the Huffington Post or any 'liberal' site) and they immediately disavow it....because of the source! Some of these people- unless it was FOXNEWS telling them their hair was in fire- would just burn to the ground.

Here's Sublime1 and Annabella together a few years ago:

Notice Race is there too. He's another one who disavows knowing A770 or posting with her after she quit the Chicago Regulars. Ok. Him being an idiot is his business. Really, him being a liar is his business too. But, it's pretty obvious that he A770 and Sublime have made a career out of trolling Ferrerman. That's my business. Sub is supposed to be a patent attorney for a foreign car company in North Carolina. I don't know what race does. I think Annabella is a Topix employee. I know that all three devote the better (worse?) part of their days- and nights- to trolling me and Hegel. This is very generic, transparent stuff.

So, why don't more people *get* it? We're the TV generation. If cops, lawyer and mystery shows have taught us anything, it's to establish motive. There has to be a reason why people do the crimes they do. It might be money, love, jealousy, etc. but, whatever it is, people can say: "Oh! That's why! Well, that makes sense!"

Well, that's TV. And that is real life too. It's not Topixtown life though. Things don't have to make sense in Topixtown. People are batshit fucking crazy in Topixtown! I can prove them to be all day but, they'll deny it. Of course, the guilty ones always do, don't they? Last year we put up a preponderance of evidence about their trolling. Largely through Hegel's brilliant research, we nailed them.

They don't care. A Topix troll is alive as long as it has deniability. And it has that as long as it as lie-ability. What a life, eh?

1 comment:

Just Me said...

They actually love looking back at their old work. They're trolls....they love rolling in their own shit.

People have known about Angelique and the fake incestuous twins for quite a while. I've watched them roll out the "we're twins!" dog & pony show on several forums now. Funny how they all end up on the same threads. It's a Topix miracle!

Sublime posted two weeks ago (to the friends he says he really cares about on the Chicago forum) that he barely knows "that woman", referring to Annabella. Look at the way he's willing to lie to people he calls friends! People he's met in real life.... He belongs with the trolls.

Lots of people get it. Then there's Sublime. He gets it but he's so desperate to fit in, he doesn't care. How long before another of Angelique's characters asks him how to cook something or fix something? "Gee, Sublime, which car should I buy?" And he talks to her as if her characters are different people! LOL! Look back at any of their threads; she does her usual greeting but rarely talks at length. Why should she? She knows how to get him going on a subject so all she has to do is sit back and give a brief reply here and there. She plays him like a fiddle. We've watched it for years and he just keeps rolling over. They were truly made for each other.

Or maybe she gave Persephone her account to use, in which case he'll likely get free sex out of the deal if he sends a bus ticket. Win/win! :)