Saturday, April 12, 2014
Don't Hate Me Because I Know Stuff
Hegel and I whupped the dogshit out of Sublime and the latest incantation of A770, Annabella, this past week. We figured out long ago that these two weren't going to give up trolling so, might as well have some fun with them and any minions or lackeys that might be in support of them. Believe it or not, there are people who, despite a preponderance of evidence supplied by A770 and Sub themselves in the form of thousands of posts made on a public forum, refuse to accept that these two sorry bastards spend an insane amount of time trolling us. I think I said it best when I said that denial is not waterfront property in Florida.
It might seem like a lot of work to gather info about crazed stalkers on the internet but, it's not. You may have heard of Google. It makes it pretty easy. And so do the stalkers themselves.
WE, however, make it fun. I always say: If you wouldn't join 'em, beat 'em like a rented, red-headed step-mule! I seriously say that quite often. It's a good policy.
It all makes good blog fodder. The internet may be weird and frivolous but, so is real life. I've long been a big fan of irony and I find it awfully ironic that people can dedicate their lives to stalking a Ferrerman and then complain when he notices. Wait a minute- that might be more hypocrisy than irony. Let's just say it's both. And isn't it kinda like teapublicans from Congress on down to internet trolls who claim at once that President Obama is a dictator AND the worst president since Carter. Don't dictators torture people for shit like that and throw their families into concentration camps? I don't think they give them healthcare instead. I think we can add incongruous to their repertoire.
So, it's very hard to make sense of some people. This leads me to another saying of mine: Fuck 'em if they can't take a joke and joke 'em if they can't take a fuck.
Crude maybe but, good advice nonetheless. It's hard to engage these people on their level. They hide and cower. In real life they'd be obscene phone callers and probably are. They'd be the guy that writes on the bathroom stall: I fucked your mother last night! I'm the guy who replies: Go home're drunk.
Take Sublime1. Please.... Though maybe 20 years younger than me, Sub considers yours truly his rival in life. You'd think he'd set the bar a little higher the way he talks about me! He thinks I'm just awful! He even asked his wife if she would sleep with a guy like me over him. She thought about it and said "no". I'm a Ferrerman and a bottom-spanker. But, enough about me. Sub is a pool lawyer for some foreign company that makes safe, boxy cars. It's evidently not a very demanding job because he essentially posts on Topix all day as a sort of a self-appointed Lifestyles and Entertainment editor. He has claimed- in so many words- that his boss knows that he posts on Topix from work and his boss reads, approves and has even given him raises for his good work- on Topix....even when he's writing about wife-swapping or cheating on his wife.
So, yeah, that's part of what we're dealing with here. He trolls with Annabella. That's one of the current names of the troll, Angelique770, as dedicated non-readers know *her* from the ol' days on this blog. Sub doesn't actually know A770 and whether s/he's a penis or non-penis bearing troll. He says he doesn't care. Yikes. I don't think anybody back in the old Chicago dregs days knew either. It's hard to say. In reading some of that old shit, a few of them might have been full-time trolls like many of the Cliquers were. Story for another day there. Suffice to say, Annabella has nothing to lose with his or her trolling. Sub does. He meets with these imaginary people in real life. That's not necessarily a bad thing for most folks but most folks aren't as volatile as Sublime. Most folks haven't gone into as much detail about their personal lives as Sublime has. I think he went through law school on a self-aggrandizement scholarship. A full ride, at that. Suma Talka Loudly.
*Annabella* is just some unknown troll who views Topix as her personal trolldom. Most of her personas read female but- let's be honest- a gay dude could pull that off. Gender-bending on the internet? Oh no! I'm not just being mean to *her* when I refer to her personas as she-slash-he (s/he) I'm saying that I don't know and that anyone who would create a fake therapist persona, probably would not draw some imaginary line at crossing the gender street. Some of *her* personas do get kinda butch in gray but the majority of *her* personas read female. If you've ever read the insipid stories that were part and parcel of the old Chicago regulars crowd, with the dungeons and the woodsheds and mental hospital settings, you'd really wonder about the author. It was odd that, though she wrote them as Angelique770, the same Angelique770 that pretended to be a therapist and showed an aversion to sex when discussed in the advice columns, would write these ridiculously sophomoric, kinky stories. No one ever noticed that. Amazing. They took tests to show how introverted that was. I think those tests might also have exposed gullibility.
I can't help but notice these things. In a previous life I must have been a detective. I try to make sense of the world. You can never completely understand the world but, it sure helps to try. It's when you don't try, when you accept things at face value because that's the easy thing to do- the suggested thing to do- that's when you have given up. You might as well be a teapublican. Instead, question everything. If it sounds too good to be true, it really probably is. By the same token, you don't have to look at nonsense and find sense. People expect money to be the root of all evil. There's no financial gain to being a fake therapist on the internet.. OK. Well, how about crazy is as crazy does? And if you find yourself saying things like: She's not a fake therapist anymore- she got past that- why don't you? If you find yourself saying things like that, get help. Get real help though. Good help is indeed, hard to find. Especially if you refuse to look.
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They might say that they want us to get past what happened, but it's more that they don't like us pointing out their obsequious behavior. 'Just move on and stop noticing how gullible and submissive I'm willing to be!' Jesus, how desperate for friends are they?
When Angelique/Annabella brought out yet another account this week I thought I'd die laughing. Wow, I mean....THAT was unexpected. LOL So "Susan" shows up and Sublime, being the good lapdog he is, welcomes her back on not one but at least two threads, as if he's talking to an entirely different person. Good boy! S/he's got him well trained. Bonus points for talking to Annabella and Susan in the same thread:)
Poor A770. She wants so badly to be an Uber Troll but she's sucking it up something awful these days...mixing up her characters and posting things certain characters wouldn't normally say... That must be why she's using copy & paste for the majority of Susan's posts which look nearly identical to Annabella's.
There's a reason she's had to give up on so many of her dozens of socks. Perhaps she's finally realizing that she overshot her abilities? (Perhaps she finally started taking her medication again.) Or maybe it was burnout after her manic phase when Topix had that game going and she felt compelled to get crowns for every one of her dozens of socks. Hours and hours of clicking.... Yep. She might work at trolling but she lacks what it takes to run with the big boys.
I'll be honest, I hadn't posted on Topix in 3 months. I just had enough of it. I didn't even peek in....until last week. 3 months away but now I go back? Why? I don't know, the fascination with abomination? Anyway, speaking of trolls, doing a little back reading it looks like Billy took a bit of a hiatus and Sam too. It looks like maybe even HRP hadn't posted for a period as well. Then just recently Billy
AND Sam reappear? Out of the blue? Coincidence? There is something going on there. That's weird. I see Mikey and Crazy Beautiful must have split and now he's back trying to coax AAP out of retirement LMAO. I wonder if he'll ever get laid? Talk about your Troll's troll.
BTW, I am not Billy, nor Sam or Spamgelique or X or Y or Z. I am just a reader that loves to see you zing the creeps of Topix. Carry on.
OK. We know who you say you aren't. How 'about saying who you are? Maybe you haven't noticed but, I get trolled a bit.I've got one asshole calls itself ITK Cubfan and asks: "Who is Joy Edge Martin?" IDK. The fuckhead just keeps posting that.
So, who are you?
Well, *anonymous*, it wasn't that hard of a question- except to you.
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