Sunday, September 16, 2012

May I Poll You?

Recently,republican voters in Ohio and North Carolina were asked whether Barack Obama or Mitt Romney  had more to do with the killing of Osama Bin Laden. Kind of a stupid question if you ask me but, they didn't as I am neither a republican or a resident of those jerkwater states. Fifteen percent said Mitt Romney. Forty seven percent weren't sure and thirty eight percent must read newspapers- they picked Obama.

Now, the 15% can sorta kinda be forgiven because they are hard-line, partisan assholes who believe that believing in anything is OK if you're trying to depose a Kenyan dictator who, as Andy Borowitz pointed out is the crappiest socialist ever because the Dow just hit a four year high. So, fuck them. Just don't ask them if they enjoyed it

The 47% really bother me. They are too smart to be dedicated to partisan idiocy but, too stupid to know who is president right now and who wants to be. They weren't sure so, they said...they weren't sure. Fuck them, too. Don't ask though because they don't tell.

These people evidently vote. It's very disconcerting. With recent republican efforts in several states to suppress voting, shouldn't they perhaps begin at home by staying at home and shutting up?

It's amazing seeing polls like this and reading insane comments on the threads and elsewhere on the 'net. Seeing Mitt Rmoney regularly misuse Obama's 'you didn't build it' comment illustrates how willfully ignorant he is and how he uses that ignorance to give the GOP seal of approval to their mass idiocy. I think he may be a secret Muslim himself as, somewhere in the Koran it says it's OK to lie to infidels. The GOP takes that to mean: "As long as those infidels are your own".

There are people who think it's a good idea to bring back the poll taxes, guessing games and other tests used in the South prior to Civil Rights. Others also say only landowners should vote. And you know, since this Great Recession was *caused* by people forcing banks to lend them money for homes they couldn't afford...we better severely restrict home ownership while we're at it. Yes, I have seen these sentiments A LOT. And these sentiments come from people who believe Mitt Rmoney had more to do with the killing of Osama Bin Laden that the actual president or, they are just not sure. It would seem they could cut to the chase, declare their idiocy and refuse to vote. Instead, they try to restrict the voting rights who probably don't expose their idiocy in polls or polling places.

There's 300+ million people in this country. Not everybody gets *it* and that is exaggerated when you get into the high numbers. Think of your classroom in school or a meeting at work. Everyone hears the same message as you but, when it's over, how many of your peers are standing there, lost, and wondering: "Wait- what are we supposed to do?" That's life. It is what it is. Not everybody *gets* life either.

Roughly 50% of registered voters vote and that varies from election to election. Fifty six percent turned out in '08 compared to 55% in '04 and 50% in '00. You'd think that in a country that, according  to all press releases is "THE GREATEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD!!!" that the percentage would be higher. Maybe twice as high! Hell no- THREE TIMES AS HIGH!! 100% would tie us with Australia and North Korea. No one wants that. We can do better!

But, instead of trying to out do them, we are trying undo ourselves. No small surprise that republicans are behind it. When you wind up running a Rmoney after a parade of comedian's dreams like they had in their primaries, you better cheat just to make it close.

But, cheating now only leads to more cheating in the future. Any idiot today who wants to curtail likely democratic voters this year is curtailing his own children's future voting rights, if not his own. They just don't understand that. The mob will turn on you. They're a MOB for chrissakes! It's what mobs do.

"First they came for the trade-unionists..."

Not a fucking thing has changed since Martin Niemoller first noted how the Nazis rose to power. They are still trying to get you to think it's your idea to screw yourself. Well, that's according to a recent poll of Ferrermen who describe themselves as bottom-spankers so, ya know, consider the source...

Found this adter I posted:!



ex-ferrer said...

The birther crap just won't go away. Obama released his BC- 2 years ago? They used to say: "ALL HE HAS TO DO IS RELEASE HIS BC AND IT'LL BE DONE..." And, of course, he did and it wasn't "done". I guess they're still holding out for the one that says "Kenya"... They should hold their breath. Obama is definitely Christian. The *Muslim* stuff is people who think of religion as race and caucasian
equaling "white". His father having been Muslim is no different than my dad being Catholic. I'm not. It's ironic that they INSIST Obama is Muslim and make that falsehood an issue and they wind up running a Mormon whose grandfather was a polygamist! IDK if you knew Romney's dad was born in Mexico. MORE IRONY! Former candidate, John McCain, was actually born in the Panama Canal Zone but, of American born parents who just happened to be there. in '08 he was vetted as Obama was.

It's all so crazy. More republicans now doubt his BC and religion than in '08. It makes no sense because all that has long been clear but, they are very desperate these days.

Barbi said...

Um, don't the Mormans believe that God lives on another planet with a wife? Something like that.

In the video, I'm quite certain that blond (she's about the fifth shot) is my sister-in-law, and I didn't even have my speakers on.

ex-ferrer said...

Those people are also a huge part of Rmoney's "47%". They might be too dumb to figure it out though...