Well, four years ago there wasn't a billionaire asshole, wannabe president lamely asking if I and we were better off now than we were four years ago.
A better question might be: why the hell does a billionaire asshole want to be president?
I don't know about why that guy wants to be president. He's retired and living off investments from offshore accounts that pay him like $40 million a year so, he doesn't need the $400k a year the job pays. It's kinda interesting that, as unfathomable as Rmoney's wealth is, men that have MORE money than him, want him to be president. I've long felt that, like the neighborhood tough guy, no matter how bad he thinks he is, there is someone tougher around the block somewhere.
It's a stupid question. If Rmoney makes it four years and a DAY, it's the Bush administration and he doesn't want to go there. He and the republicans have a tall order in trying to convince American voters that Barack Obama totally screwed up the economy all by himself. Like- there was no George Bush. Obama took Bill Clinton's surplus and blew it on two wars that he started and tax cuts for George Soros and George Clooney, plunging the country into the worst recession since the great depression. They still might say that. Remember that you read it here first.
Reagan was semi-famous for asking about the four years when he ran against Jimmy Carter. And I'm certain he stole it from someone else. Rmoney isn't very original either. Frankly, he could paraphrase Reagan's 'tear down that wall' quote and republicans would wildly cheer him saying: "Mr Obama- tear down that wall!"
What wall? Who fucking cares? It doesn't matter. These are the people who really believe that the president believes no one built their business. They believe he wants to take all the money that rich people have and give it to poor people. They believe he said this himself.
Here's the thing about that- if he takes from the rich and gives to the poor (like Dennis Moore) then the poor become the rich and the rich become the poor and he has to re-distribute the wealth all over again...again and again and again...
If we learned nothing from Stevie Winwood and Traffic, we learned this:
"If I gave you everything that I owned and asked for nothing in return
Would you do the same for me as I would for you?"
Think about that. Get stoned first if you want to. Notice the cyclic pattern?
Then ask Mitt Rmoney if HE is better off than he was four years ago.
He is. All the rich guys are. None of them are down to their last million. ALL have flourished in this recession. The rich always do.
He's not a people person and won't be one until Soylent Green is actually made from people.
And you can take that to your offshore bank!
If governments are struggling financially they seem to fall back on 'let's have a war'. Fortunes are made and coffers filled by war.
Apart from the very rich, everyone everywhere is paying more for goods and services than they were four years ago. They like to call it 'progress'.
Over the last four years in this state (Liberal Government - which is our version of conservative or Republican) our electricity charges have gone up 60%!!!
We have a Labour Federal Government but each state chooses its own state government.
We generally get three years (sometimes six) of reforms and attempts to improve conditions for the general population and then the conservatives are voted back in and everything stagnates or reverses.
Our current opposition leader Tony Abbott does not seem to have any policies, but does a lot of muck raking and criticising of anything and everything - and people listen!
The switching parties back-n-forth every few years must be SOP all over the world. Well, except for Cuba and N. Korea, I guess...I think it's part of the control game. The republicans pillaged the country, made it damn near impossible to un-eff that- certainly not in 4 years- and get to run like they are *reformers* who are going to straighten the country out with tough love. Sheesh. I'd laugh but, I live here.
It's an obscene joke that Rmoney wants war having pussied out of 'Nam with a missionary deferment while supporting the war and having five sons, none of which cared to serve (we don't have a draft). No other country is close to us in defense spending. Naturally we have the finest military in the world and politicians who want to keep them busy. This isn't Sparta but they act like it.
That's funny - the way you spell Rmoney. At first I thought it was a typo...
I don't want to sound like Lyin' Ryan, Barbi, but, I think I invented that...
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