In the Bizzarro World that is the threads, because I am a supporter of the president, I am an anti-American hater. How 'bout that! Weird huh? I'm the guy that wants good things to happen to America and that makes me- A TERRORIST!
You see, where I go wrong is in my not realizing that if good things happen with Obama as president, his socialist/muslim communist agenda makes America more fascist. A real American would be against that. Duh.
Well, Topix is a silly, unnatural world. Thank God we don't have anything equivalent in the real world!
Except for the republican party, we don't. Yeah, that's all.
In the threads it may just seem to be only me that supports the president but the country as well. In the real world, there are tens of millions of us! We're still commie/anti-American/fill-in-the-epithets/yada-fucking-yadas but, I'm not alone at least.
It's different in the threads where anonymous people with multiple avatars and stupid names mock the president, root for terrorists (to survive until a time when a republican president can bravely give the order to get him) and even pray for natural disasters to be more un-naturally disasterous in order to...take back America...
It isn't just in Topixtown that people rejoice in Chicago gangs killing each other "...because that's where HE is from..." Wait- Obama or Ferrerman? Doesn't matter. We're inter-changeable these days. The point is that there are people who see gang killings as political victories. The cops see them as essentially about drugs and/or territory but, what do they know?
I read the other day that we are in "The Post Truth Era" in America. I take it that this will be a period where the truth is relative to what one is willing to believe. It'll be kinda like the Bible, I guess. And, if you stick to your story like the repub's are doing with OBAMA closing the Janesville GM plant (before he took office...) then you've achieved a certain level of truthiness where, well, close enough. It'll be like Little League where everybody gets a trophy because they tried to tell the truth. Well, they showed up. The Truth was somewhere there and they got close to it. The little darlings tried and they were just so cute...
Yikes. Evidently, Clint Eastwood wasn't a rambling, possibly senile embarrassment the other night at the convention. He was an American icon- a hero- telling it like it is! To think anything else is to hate America! HE OWNED THE FUCKING ROOM! HE MADE PERFECT SENSE!
Yikes again. It's cute when 'the little darlings' are my self-appointed enemies in the threads and they defend every stupid thing every republican has ever said or done by calling me an idiot or a faggot or telling me to do things that Clint Eastwood hears chairs telling him to do. It's not cute when these people are not only actual voters but representatives of others in this country. YIKES.
We are through the looking glass, indeed, when Ferrerman AND the president are getting trolled.
Ferrerman's got your back, OBAMA/BIDEN 2012! We'll take this country back from the trolls. We're both pretty good at this troll-fighting stuff....
UPDATE: A friend posted the following on Facebook, after I posted this piece. First thought was: "Florida? Not surprised....wonder which troll it was....
Anti-American hater? Doesn't that mean you hate anti-Americans? Kind of like a double negative from the thread weirdo.
From what you write of these people they all seem to wear blinkers and be brain-washed.
The Republicans all seem to believe what they say is the truth when it's been repeated three times. My first husband was the same.
Repetition = truth. You only have to remember Iraq to see how it works.
Sue, I actually left out a comma there but, it reads both ways so, i'm not gonna change it. The republican party seems to mimic these thread weirdos. It's frightening. They definitely are counting on 'low-information' voters, now more than ever.
I had a wife like your ex! They sure get mad when you call them on their lies!
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