Saturday, May 12, 2012

Homo News

Sheesh- homo's are all over the news! Bristol Palin seems to be blaming the Obama daughters for this and/or Dora The Explora. Mitt Romney's past as a hairdresser catering to gays has come back to haunt him. Here's the Bristol business:

Bristol is no more peer to Malia and Sasha than she is to The POTUS so, I don't think she should be giving anyone advice. But, that's what republicans do. The never-married Bristol, child in tow, preaches abstinence and (now) that marriage is between a man and a woman, even though she's not married and has a baby.

Oh. Well, I guess she would know.

Mitt Romney, we are hearing, once led an assault  on a suspected gay teenager. NOT recently-but  back in the day when he was a prep school. To be fair, he doesn't remember doing it and doesn't remember thinking the boy was gay anyway so he remembers not thinking that but not doing anything about it. Huh?  According to the sources he was the leader of a group of students who captured the suspected homo AND he personally cut the boy's hair.

Bristol Palin might interpret that as the work of a leaderAnybody could have given the order to assault the queer kid but, Mitt Romney did that AND carried it out!

Ya know, a lot of grown up republicans are every bit as sophisticated and deep as Bristol Palin and probably do think this about Romney. We'll have to check their blogs and see. Today's republicans are not shy. They don't run from any scandal! You wanna accuse their candidate of gay-bashing? Well, first of all, he didn't do it! And anyway, what's your problem, queerlover? It wasn't illegal then anyway! Plus, God created Adam & Eve- NOT Adam & Steve! You watch too much GLEE!

Sheesh, republicans are so emotional. Must be a hormonal thing. I don't know.

"Youthful indiscretion"? Sure. Who amongst us didn't do dumb stuff when we were kids? A bi-partisan group of witnesses is saying he did it while he's saying he didn't do it/ doesn't recall... The actual victim died several years ago so, there goes that *proof*. I put stars around proof because these days proof is a relative term, just like truth. It's a perception- and that's on a good day. The truth or proof about anything is what you believe. It's all about faith rather than facts. Facts can be manipulated. But faith- well, that's in your heart! And nothing counts more than your heart! That's a fact! Well, um, I believe it is, that is... I can't *prove* it.

So, what was this about? Gay Marriage? Rounding Gays up and giving them special haircuts? Bristol Palin watching the same shows as the Obama children? Surprisingly, it was about politics and who should run the country! Who knew?

I can't wait until the election is over and Obama gets his four more years. It won't be over then, though. Politics will NEVER be over. I can *prove* that with the next crisis and the one after that....


Sue said...

Why would anyone be interested in what Bristol Palin thinks? Is she running for office?
My husband watched a documentary on Sarah Palin and thinks the woman is certifiable and a liability for the Republicans. I missed it. I think I'd gone to bed when it was on.

ex-ferrer said...

Sarah Palin is no longer a factor. I have no idea what her base is anymore. I think her former minions figured out that she figured out the real money was in being a pundit and acting like she *might* run. As for Bristol....poor kid....

Anonymous said...

My eight year old neighbor a couple years ago:

That sign means they dont want to let gay people get married? But if they love each other why not? Thats just mean!"

ex-ferrer said...

Kids today, Trixie! It gets better every year.