Saturday, May 19, 2012

Neighbors and lovers

An old friend of mine and her husband moved into a house adjacent to an apartment complex. It's ordinarily pretty quiet there but, we all know how apartments can be. A couple of weeks ago she reported on Facebook that a couple in the complex had awoken them with their love-making. This happened despite closed windows and ac running. It was a pretty spirited session by her account. When these things happen, it's fairly amusing at first but, on a regular basis, it gets old pretty quick. The next time it happened, it sounded far more violent as the guy's foreplay consisted of loud pleading and then demanding that his intended "GIVE ME WHAT I WANT!!!!" As it became more clear that it was an abusive relationship, the police were called.

At the very least these people were disturbing the peace of others. At worst, he's doing that and maybe killing his girlfriend. It's best to err on the side of caution, try to put an end to the noise and maybe save a life.

I've lived in a few apartments. You hear things you don't want to. I've heard people making love and well, good for them but, if it sounds like they are in the room with me, that's an invasion of my privacy. It's rude, though they probably don't mean it to be. That first time it would be rude of me to practice any coitus interruptus by banging on the wall so, my policy was let it go and have a conversation with them later when they were fully clothed. They blush a bit and seem rather contrite. After that, banging on the wall and loudly saying: "Is that all you GOT, stud?" is effective too.  That's a cold shot, baby, for some folks.

Sheesh, I've had so much experience with this situation that it's hard to pick one. The worst are when people like to fuck and fight like my friend's neighbors. I had to call the police on a couple next to me that, from my bathroom, sounded like he was killing her in their bathroom. Or my bathroom. It was hard to tell.

No arrests were made. In most states it seems, they have domestic violence laws where somebody goes to jail no matter how ready to sign the sorry papers both participants might be. Of course, I'm talking about the violence part- not the love-making. Conservatives, though they are trying, haven't been able to outlaw recreational sex amongst the 99%. Yet.

But, in every incident I can recall, these people were as demonstrably loud in their fighting as they were in their fucking and, sometimes were simultaneous with love and war. That's abberant behavior either way.

Such is apartment life. In the same complex I had a young couple next door who, I guess one of the nights I heard them, were unwittingly entertaining a group of my friends who lived below them. One of them heard something over their own conversation and music, quieted everyone and then the group of them let loose with cheering and catcalls when they realized what was going on. The couple upstairs got quiet for a few moments and then must have figured they might as well finish up in a hurry. Neither of them were expressive in love. It was more of a bed-action thing. They were expressive in war though and a visit from the cops on a call by me only resulted in them quieting their fighting for the night. At some point in their brief stay at the complex I confronted the boy. He was in full Vinnie Barbarino denial (who, what, where Mr. Kotter...) but I got my point across. It turned out later we worked together. I saw him in the shop one morning and when he saw me, he did a 90 degree turn and walked away. I mention this to his girl the next day and she stated: "Yeah but he didn't see YOU there." Well, that cleared THAT up....

Usually, people who are so demonstrative commit other transgressions that don't involve paying rent on time and they generally go away sooner than later. I had a black couple below me that loved to smoke crack and listen to rap music at 10 on the stereo. Banging on their door didn't work. They didn't answer. Complaints to management only got me sympathy and a promise they would be gone "soon"... What did sorta kinda work was me leaving my place in the morning with my speakers face down on the floor and COUNTRY MUSIC cranked to ten. I figured that people who stay up all night smoking rock gotta sleep during the day. Or try to... Irony being what it is, they complained about ME! The lady in the office did what she had to do, coming into my apartment to turn off my stereo but she told me how much she admired my style. They were gone a week or so after that, the wheels of justice having finally gotten the eviction process to fruition. Oh and, they didn't learn their lesson and I returned to my country music sharing technique until they were gone. I also enjoyed a beer while I watched them move out, a huge smile on my face.

My friend's apartment neighbors will be gone soon. If their neighbors have also made complaints, there's that plus a police visit to hasten the process. It's a shame that people can't be better neighbors AND lovers.


Maggie said...

That is the worst. I had a landlord that lived below me. Every Sunday, every damn Sunday, you could hear him screaming at his wife and kids for hours. He was f-ing crazy.

ex-ferrer said...

Yeah- who do you complain to then? I feel bad for my friend because they are in a house. You come to expect stuff in an apartment complex but, when you have a house, you should be insulated.