Yet another 4th of July has passed and still no American Revolution II. PEOPLE: WE HAVE A COLORED PRESIDENT!! He's Muslim! Don't forget what his Christian minister said about America either. He's going to take away all our rights as citizens and give them to illegal aliens- the ones that voted him into office, I might add, with the help of ACORN. He shoved Health Care Reform down our throats as if he were Johnny Holmes himself and we were eager, young starlets (or FOXNEWS chicks...) and somehow got that to pass even though, clearly, John Boehner did NOT want it. Where's the "reaching across the aisle" we were promised? We don't even get a reach around from this guy! Or do we? I'm 53 years old and I STILL don't know what that means! I think it's dirty though! And, as if God weren't already pissed enough at New Orleans and all it's faggotry and BLACK PEOPLE, isn't it just a little bit ironic that an oil rig malfunctions just a week after this Obama guy decides that oh, yeah, NOW it's okay to "DRILL BABY, DRILL"?? And where did he get THAT idea?? How much more of this are we expected to take? Third world countries are laughing at us! We're like the Chicago Cubs with the big payroll and 13 games out in July. Don't get me started on the crazy Mexican, Zambrano, yelling at the washed up first baseman in the dugout. I mean it. (Anybody else notice that he "blows up" right before the Cubs road trip to ARIZONA? Well, not RIGHT before- a few weeks later- but, it all happened under Obama's watch and well, is he a citizen? Zamrano, I mean...)
I'm just playing, of course, but, some of these thoughts did run through my head the night of the 4th as I sat in the back yard listening to and seeing what I could see of the fireworks in my otherwise quiet, suburban neighborhood. Having lived in Memphis, I know from gunshots. I pondered the snap, crakle, pop and ocassional BOOMS and I was very glad that I live in a country where such noise is a harmless celebration of history rather than a daily occurence of politically emotional mayhem. I felt sad- ever so briefly- for the assholes I post with on the internet who have been braying and praying for an American revolution since Obama ran for the presidency. They are a small but noisy minority but all seem to want America's air to be filled with gunsmoke as if it were Beirut on a Tuesday. This nation has never had a revolution as the result of a presidential election. Why start now? Violence is how third world countries handle political discord and, except for our founding and a later dispute in the family about slavery, either side usually agrees to disagree after a loss. Our two party system changes presidential hands every four to eight years or so, just rub dirt in it, take a four year lap and try harder next election. That's the American way! At least it used to be...
I make fun of these 'tards in the threads because they see themselves as uber-patriots who feel as if the only way out is violent, bloody revolution, The only way out of "what" exactly, no one really knows for sure. They are all over the place with accusations about our president and they really, really get pissed if you point out that he's a black man and suggest that maybe, just maybe, they might be racist assholes instead of uber-patriots. So, it just couldn't be that so, it must be socialized healthcare which everyone knows communist countries like France, England and Canada have...
Sigh. For me, the 4th was a beautiful night in the greatest country in the world. For some, it was a missed opportunity of insurrection and mayhem.
Patriots my ass!
Wow... For a second there I thought you'd gone over to the dark side (NO PUN INTENDED!).
I think one of my favorite things about these nuts is that when we point out the obvious (that their collective racism lies at the heart of this revolution), they scream at us that WE'RE the ones playing the race card! Not them! Never!
Of course in the next breath they say that because he's black, HE'S opened the door for any discussion about race. mmmmhmmmm. Unless we're the ones who mention that he's black, then they scream "No he's not, he's half white!....and he was born in Kenya and schooled in a madrasa in Indonesia... when he wasn't pulling the wings off butterflies!"
Somebody's gotta keep an eye on these nuts, and as long as we keep them busy yammering we're keeping the world safe for another day. It's a pleasure serving with you, Ferrerman!
I like how they discount Bush-bashing; "The Bush Card". *Oh, you're playing THAT again? Can't YOU get past THAT??* Then they dive right into tracing ALL the problems of the country back to Clinton and JIMMY CARTER! ALL OF THEM! The two wars. Housing crisis. Jobs. 9/11 etc. Hmmm, seems we had 8 years of Reagan and 4 of daddy Bush in there but they couldn't undo Carter or Clinton- proof America?
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