Sunday, July 11, 2010

The Good Ol' Days

Everyone wants the good old days back but no one can agree on exactly which good old days we should get back. The tea-baggers want 1776 back- just with fully automatic weapons this time around. Glenn Beck wants the early sixties back- just with fully automatic weapons and the gold standard, this time around. And maybe no hippies... Lots of people in the threads want their country back but, except for the gun nuts with their Patriot fantasies of hunting game and injuns with AR15's, few get specific.

I like the early 60's but I don't like Glenn Beck. When my avatar photo was taken was a pretty good time to be a kid. I was six then and beginning my Wonder Years. I remember a line from that show describing it as a time when a kid could go out to play without winding up on a milk carton. It was a good, reasonably safe time to be a kid. We played, all day long. We had to as there were no XBOX's, computers or MTV. We rode bikes without helmets!

I think everyone wants their childhood back. Whatever era/decade was their childhood, they want it back with all of it's youthful simplicity. Personally, I'd also want back the 70's and eighties back but only because of baseball. I do long for the time when you could show up at Wrigley on game day and get bleacher seats. I used to go to ten- twenty games a year. On the 4th of July, I turned down FREE boxes. Nothing is free when it comes to baseball these days. Thirty dollars to park, $6.50 for a beer... you drop a yard before the fifth inning even with free tickets. Neverminding that it's another awful year, I have NEVER had a bad time at Wrigley. Even if it rained or the Cubs got blown out, it is still my field of dreams.

No person and no country ever gets a do-over. The baggers and other far-righters want "their" country back. They think that killing or voting out our president will bring *their* country back. Just a bullet or a ballot will magically transform America back to what it once was- whatever it once was- in the minds of so many bitter, deluded people.


In the smoke-screen that is the bagger agenda, EVERYTHING Obama does is wrong and leading the country down the road to ruin. But, you look at what they say about him and his intentions and you see what they want. It's funny but sad to hear republican women talk lovingly of the patriot days. They wouldn't have been allowed to even vote back then but here they are serving as elected officials. A black man or woman back then was counted as 3/5ths of a human being. Slavery was legal and indentured servitude was a path to freedom for white folks whom rich whites just couldn't bring themselves to buy and sell on the slave block but just had to own anyway.

Corporations weren't citizens back then but they are now. Our Supremes said so this year. The baggers say Obama wants to take over the country and give it to NATO to complete their near century old plan of one world, one country. The baggers want corporations to run the world instead whether they realize this or not. They don't think corporations should pay taxes because they provide jobs for people willing to work. They fear that their corporate tax money might be used to support poor people who don't want to work. Only the middle class should pay taxes and support poor people. Well, that's the way it always seemed to have worked and no poor man ever gave anyone a job ya know. They want to eliminate welfare and similar programs but they don't seem to have a plan for poor people other than to force them to pull themselves up by their bootstraps by taking away socialist democratic programs. They'll start working as soon as they get hungry enough...

I think they have a plan. When they STILL talk about Obama's FEMA camps and the private army he is certainly building... I think they are tipping their hand to their own plan for America. When republican women like that c-word Engle (?) promise "a 2nd amendment solution" if they don't get their way in November of this year as they want, I'd have to say that she and they are calling for armed insurrection. Gee, does it get anymore patriotic than that? Let's stop this colored president from enslaving us and we'll turn the tables on his followers by enslaving THEM! THAT, will show THEM!

Remember in the 60's when someone said "The revolution will be televised"? It has corporate sponsorship now. It will be your blood, my blood and our childrens blood but, when the smoke clears, everyone who wants a job will have one. We might even have a small government that people seem to want so badly every four to eight years or so but, just for show. A capitalist revolution! Corporations of the world unite!

Josef Stalin said: "The death of one man is a tragedy. The death of a million is a statistic".

We all know how his Accounting Department did things. They wrapped themselves in patriotism too. If you're looking for America or longing for your youth, you won't find it on a milk carton. Neither will you find it in the street with a gun in your hand.


Unknown said...

I find it ironic that people are so against Welfare, as the people that are meant to benefit are children and senior citizens. I say this because childless adults don't qualify for welfare.
keep up the good work

ex-ferrer said...

They are oblivious to the fact that, in any society, a percentage of people just ain't gonna get "it". For a variety of reasons, not everyone can get a great job with a corporation (!) and be able to handle a mortgage and $20k in credit card debt like "real Americans". And they offer no outward solutions other than that of a grumpy dad who says: GET A JOB!