November is shaping up to be a busy month what with the elections, the threatened revolution should the tea party not get it's way and the ensuing christian jihad against godless democrats whether the tea baggers win or lose. The World Series should be wrapping up about that first week too. Whoever wins, I hope they go back to a 154 game schedule and an October 1st start for the series.
I've been in yet another gun-related thread where baggers are promising revolution and final solution-like elimination of democrats, right here in the good ol' USA. can you believe that? Well, what USED to be the good ol' USA. Evidently this country has completely fallen apart since Barack Obama first thought of running for president. And, it wasn't just him (AND IT'S NOT BECAUSE HE'S COLORED!) Tea party historians have traced the ills of America all the way back to Jimmy Carter with most of the blame for EVERYTHING squarely on the shoulders of Wiliam Jefferson Clinton. How George W Bush was able to hold the country together after the debacle that was THAT man is amazing. Surely, Dick Cheney must have helped.
Obama has only been in office less than two years and in this time we have been over-run by democratic-voting illegal aliens, Secret Islamic agendas and healthcare, which was rammed down republican throats in a tea-bag like manner. Yada-fucking-yada...
The baggers are spoiling for a fight. They are coming out from under rocks everywhere, locked and loaded and looking to take back the America that has been taken away from them by Obama and the socialist/Islamic/democrats. Yada-fucking-yada...
My country is still here. Guess what? So is yours. Despite this recession, life has gone on pretty much as usual just as it has in the five decades of my time here on earth, in this country. The baggers see it differently. They talk of their rights being systematically stripped away daily, by Obama. However, when you try to pin them down to the loss of specific rights, all they have is healthcare. Well, NOW they have healthcare. Prior to this monumental achievement by Obama, they only had the right to be denied health coverage by insurance company scumbags who could find a way to determine ANYTHING to be a "pre-existing condition". Yep, they did lose the "right" to be screwed by an insurance company, something our founding fathers clearly covered in the second amendment or, perhaps, the Old Testament.
Too much has been made about the glory of our founding fathers. Their words are as open to interpretation as the Bible is. This disturbs me because, depending upon who is doing the interpretation, someone might want me to live in peace or die at the point of their fully automatic assault rifle. Just like some people think that all we need for laws are the 10 Commandments, some others think we only need that and parts of the Constituition and the Bill of rights. I've heard of "cafeteria Catholics". We also have cafeteria constitutionalists. Well, that's just as the founding fathers intended it to be, I guess. Why else would they have been so purposefully vague? The gun-nuts, for example, think the 2nd trumps all other amendments (if they acknowledge that there ARE others, that is). Even the Bible contradicts itself with those ten commandments when it later says one must stone one's neighbor to death should he be found working on the Sabbath. Jesus, was that book written by lawyers or what? No, I'm a modern Ferrerman and I won't live my life based on the vague musings of men from 300 or 2000 years past. I'll accept that our laws are based upon those words but, until someone invents a time machine and puts me back in the day, I won't be chunking rocks at neighbor Bill because he's weeding his garden.
Now, the Christian jihad, scheduled for November. Have they decided exactly which form of Christianity we must follow come November? Last time I checked, Baptists are not fond of Catholics and everybody hates the Mormons and thinks that the Amish are cute and harmless. I'm pretty sure all of these are Christ-based religions so, which one will rule here in America? I guess the plan is that, once the godless democrats are killed, (Ok- Jews and Muslims too) the Christians left will settle things on the battlefield. and THEN we can get back to the business of getting America back to the 17th century as the founding fathers intended because, ya know, that was the time they were living in. Not a one of them was Nostra-fucking-damas, who, by the way, saw this Obama guy coming a long time ago...
1 comment:
We still get screwed by the insurance companies not because of denial of coverage but because they will now accept us IF we can pay the premiums. Insurance premiums in general have risen 20 % since the vote in of healthcare reform. I wish I knew the percentage which is attributed to high risk insureds.
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