Friday, February 20, 2015

Everyone old is new again?

This oughta make the hair on the back of your neck stand up and take notice:

I've heard of similar stories in the past but can't recall any that dovetailed as well as this one. There are tons of anecdotal stories of young children revealing glimpses of past lives. A lot of these things precede television so you doubting Thomas's that write everything off as being TV's fault can just shut up. In past lives you were probably as bluntly skeptical and brain dead as you are now.

And there's no reason that past lives have to mean you were a princess or Genghis Kahn. Why not a black woman who leapt to her death in a fire, coming back as a blond-headed boy?  Our pasts might explain a lot about who we are today. Or may explain nothing. The boy in the video seems to have already forgotten his past as Pam. Our clearest childhood memories tend to begin at five, although some folks claim to remember further back. The late actor, Lee Marvin, believed he remembered being born. Brian Williams claims he remembers his father telling his mother he'd respect her in the morning....

But, I digress. The boy may always have an affection for Stevie Wonder and black music of that era. Maybe not. I saw a story about people who suffered head injuries and started speaking fluently in languages they had no experience with. Past lives speaking those languages explains that to me better than anything else. Mind you, they're not speaking of a past life in that language. They are still their current selves just in Russian or Italian or Sanskrit. Eventually they heal and revert back to their native tongue with no more knowledge of the other language. Someone commented on that story asking exactly how hard you needed to hit your head and what the guarantees of language were... Don't try this at home kids!

I like to think that there is a purpose to life that supersedes killing in the name of your god or fighting to keep people from getting a living wage to better enjoy this life in. I'm probably wrong about that. I think FOX Opinion Channel probably thinks I'm wrong.  

I've thought of this whenever a child dies or is born severely handicapped. Why should that be it for them? Same with some fucking mope that becomes the billionaire governor of Illinois or a murderous prick like Hitler or Stalin. Why do they get such full, evil lives when the people they abuse do not? Shouldn't it figure that there would be karmic payback? The kid in the video mentioned God. I've long figured that a God or Gods had a hand in the creation of earth and the universes but that this God(s) probably isn't as portrayed in book and film and likely isn't as America-centric and the NFL fan that we've been led to believe. He just may kinda be looking after things as we meander through the cosmos for one reason or another, as one person or another, trying to figure it all out.

If you've got a 3 or 4 year old handy, talk to them. You might learn something, even though it looks like they just got here. You just never know.


Please Don't Squeeze the Shaman said...

This is the stuff of plausibility when the Shamans gather.

ex-ferrer said...

There's tons of anecdotal evidence. I was thinking about these people who live past 100. They're wasting a life or two even by dragging one out so long.