Billionaire Bruce Rauner. The guy shouldn't be governor, he should be fighting crime by night with his young, male companion.
But, rather than all that good, he chooses to use whatever powers he has, not for the purposes of good, but rather for the purposes of evil. We'll see what powers he has, up against Michael Madigan and a democrat majority in the Illinois House. They'll reign in his crazy. Of course, they didn't do anything to stop the state's downward spiral when democrat Pat Quinn was in office...
But, that's politics these days, especially at the state level where too often the choice is frying pan or fire.
Billionaire Bruce Rauner should be at one of his 9 homes (none has a bat cave that we know of) buying elections- not winning them himself. Why would a billionaire want to fill his days actually governing when he could pay someone to do it? Charles and David Koch, for example, have Governor Scott Walker running Wisconsin for them and, if everything goes well for them in '16, they'll have the same kochsucker running America for them. Well, they'll try and I think he'll be the guy they try with but, barring them owning and operating all the voting machines, it shouldn't happen. Shouldn't....
I don't know if my beef is really with Rauner and the Koch's. I think that if I were a billionaire I'd be very happy playing golf, messing around with my trophy wife, buying companies for my drug-addicted kids to ruin and just relaxing. I mean- a billion dollars- enjoy it! Isn't that what it's for? Maybe that's just me? Maybe they are just bored billionaires who have exhausted all avenues of entertainment and all they have left is politics but, why watch FOX when you can be on FOX?
No, I think my beef is with the people who let this happen, who seem to want it to happen, the usual suspects- the teapublican citizens of the United States of America. They can't see through these guys? Geez- I know they are stupid but, I didn't think they were fucking stupid!
I don't mind folks rooting for the home team and supporting a Nixon, a Reagan or even a Bush. That's what fans do. It's your team! It's your team win or lose. I'm not going to throw the Bears out with the bathwater of Cutler. So, I get why republicans voted for those guys. But Mitt Romney? And closer to home, Billionaire Bruce Rauner? If people think that it's a dilemma for the nation that yet another Bush might be a candidate against another Clinton, I can think of a billion things worse than that obscenity. That's bad because it smacks of royalty and, in the case of Jeb Bush, short-term memory loss, but electing billionaires is admitting that ours is an oligarchy and that, dammit, we want it that way! We want a CEO. We are a corporation. "Why, if I ran my country like the government runs there's, I wouldn't even have a country!"
I gather that's the, uh, thought process of teapublicans. Oh, we need an executive- one who knows how not only to make money but to save money! The debt is awful! And it's because of those tax and spend democrats! You can't tax and you can't spend! Duh! Businessmen know that! Plus, gay people shouldn't ever get married! Yada fucking yada....
Can you yada yada politics? You betcha! It's what politics is all about really. A man, or even a woman, gets on the stump or the TV and yada yada's about this and that and, if you like enough of it, you vote for them. These days a single issue can make or break a candidate with millions of people. Herb Finklebottom may disagree with candidate Joe Smucatelli's platform of beating Herb Finklebottom to death but, he'll vote for Smucatelli because of his vow to defeat abortion.
There's a lot of Finklebottoms out there voting against their own interests because they have an interest or two in something else.
A billionaire tells you that you can't tax him because that will be "punishing success". If you tax wealth, they ask, where would the impetus to become wealthy come from? What would be the point of becoming rich if Obama or Hillary Clinton would redistribute your wealth to lazy people? That's what they're going to do, ya know....
Idiots do believe that. Does it make any sense? Are billionaires fighting for their very existence because of Barack Obama ans democrats? This country is making millionaires just about every day. Think just about pro sports and the number of millionaires you watch play. There's 310 million people in this country. You've heard of the "one percent"? Do the math. That's more than three MILLION people. A mathemagical minority, for sure. But, a persecuted minority? One with no power or voice? Believing that is just really fucking stupid.
But, that's what I hear all too often on TV and read on the internet. It's not just topixtards but people all over the internet who just can't think. They can't think for themselves. Can't or won't?
Billionaire Bruce Rauner says we'll have to make sacrifices. Motherfucker has nine houses. His idea of sacrifice is cutting Medicaid and education (and more) for we the people. The people of the state will have to share the sacrifice by losing health and education benefits, pensions- just to keep "our" billionaires from becoming endangered species. It makes perfect sense if you don't think about it. And few people are thinking about it, leastwise not in the republican party. And they are getting fewer every day...endangering themselves and us all...
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