Friday, November 21, 2014

Still carrying a torch for President Obama?

Woo boy, the villagers are angry! They've had torches and pitchforks at the ready since November 5, 2008 but this time they are really pissed! This time, they believe, the man they call "Obummer" and "Odumya" (among others) the man who is at once a brutal dictator and one who does NOTHING, has really pissed them off. Now he's done given citizenship to millions of illegal Mexicans! All they have to do is cross the Rio Grande, collect their free stuff (lap tops, Playstations, etc.) and they are now hyphenated-Americans like the rest of long as they vote democrat...

Not quite. A leisurely stroll around the internet would give you that impression though. Mitt Romney's 47% are living up to Jonathon Gruber's assessment of their mental faculties.

Dedicated non-readers, I'm no expert. But, I can open up Facebook and Google and I can seek out those who are experts and learn what is going down. I can figure shit out. When Ferrerman accidentally clicks the wrong channel on the remote and hears "The A Team" en Espanol, Ferrerman does not immediately presume Mexicans have hijacked our television and, of course, the country. You see folks, Spanish-speaking people are already here and have been for a few hundred years. That's why they get their own channels!

What President Obama did was acknowledge that and address, via executive action, something that the House of Representatives had refused to vote on for the last 18 months. If congress refuses to do their job, someone has to act. That someone is President Obama. Sue me if I'm right about that. They want to sue him for this and, well, everything else. The whole Sue Nation has risen!

President Obama didn't create millions of new citizens overnight as if they were Keystone Pipeline jobs that actually existed. If you came here 5 or more years ago and can prove it, you no longer have to fear deportation. Your children who were born here and are citizens no longer have to tearfully wave addios to mom and dad as they get deported. If you have made a life here, you are safe from deportation and can go to the back of the line for the long and arduous process of attaining citizenship. And, by the way, if you are a gang member or criminal, you will be arrested and deported. That's not ever going to change. Same with if you got here last week or intend to join us next week or next year. If you can't prove you've been here at least five years, you'll be deported. No president has deported more illegals than President Obama. You can look it up.

I would respect the fear and outrage from the right a bit more if they didn't express the same vitriolic, violent outrage over his playing golf. Did republicans really believe it was feasible to deport what might be 11 million people? That was their plan? Who pays for that, fiscal conservatives? My own plan- The Ferrerman Plan- for years has been to enforce the laws on the books that are against businesses hiring illegals. No job opportunities means no waves of illegals seeking jobs. Guess who is against that. Congress and the corporations who employ them. They like the cheap, unorganized labor. They don't like paying fines either. I haven't heard anybody else say this but, legalizing these people might enhance wages a bit more as these people become more assimilated and less fearful of the authorities. We'll see about that.

As far as border enforcement goes, it looks like it will get better. ICE and the Border Patrol can now concentrate more on protecting the border itself, rather than separating families. There are still people being exploited and literally dying to get here and that's got to stop. We're a nation of immigrants and there should be a legal way to become a citizen. No one got a five year head start last night. They got to breathe a little easier was all. They can breathe the hot air of our teapublican politicians and their minions but, it's still American freedom.

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