Friday, February 21, 2014

Spanks for nothing!

What the schpank is going on here? Here's a rather spankable woman to put things in perschpanktive:

What's the matter with people? Kansas just reluctantly struck down a bill that would have allowed discrimination against gays based on religious beliefs. No, you can't stone gays to death- yet- but, if your religion is against them, you are free to be against them, regardless of anti-discrimination laws to the contrary. It's like Stand Your Ground but for hating gays instead of blacks. No, you can't shoot them- yet. That bill passed the Kansas House but not the Senate. They're gonna try again. Arizona went ahead and passed a similar bill. It awaits Governor Jan Brewer's signature. That crazy bitch is fully capable of signing it. We'll see.

It's hilariously fascinating to me that these new laws are brought to us by the folks who tout "small government". 

You've got to be fucking kidding me! That is like Senator Bob Corker saying that government should not interfere in the free market- picking winners and losers- and then 'winning' a vote against a union in a Tennessee VW plant via lies and intimidation, and possibly losing future VW investment elsewhere in the American south.  That is some comically small government. It meshes well with the tragically small government that feels the need to protect religious people from gays but not children from the wrath of adults.

That brings us to the unfortunate news about spankings. We're not talking about the good, fun kind between grown men and women. That's for another day....

The small government crowd is legislating the beating of children. They are expanding the powers of parents and those who may be in charge of children, to wail on them. With parental permission, of course- for now.... It's a sort of Stand Your Ground for parents.

Some people- of the teapublican persuasion- feel that the national and societal ills are due to a lack of discipline of today's youth. It's not a new concept. You hear reichtards complaining about kids getting trophies 'just for participating' in Little League and parents being 'afraid to discipline their kids for fear of Child Services' arresting them. Bullshit. Getting a plastic trophy for showing up to LL is not causing any kid to shoot up his school. But, it just could not be the gun culture, right? The parents who deal with CPS are the ones who (surprise!) beat their kids and mistreat them in other ways. It couldn't be the cycle of abuse repeating, right?

The subject of "kids today(!)" has come up on every paint crew I've ever been on.

"I got my ass beat every fucking day and I turned out OK!"

A statement like that is accompanied by much nodding and verbal agreement. Except the guy saying it is not "OK". He's an asshole. And a doper. And I could go around the circle and see drunks and drugs and prison and jail time for every man nodding his head.

I got beat as a child, a lot. It taught me that weak people hit. Anger is one letter away from danger. Hitting children while angry teaches children to be violent when angry. Hitting children why calm is just stupid and psychotic. Violence isn't the answer with people you are supposed to love. How could it be?

There is a backlash against anti-bullying sentiment from the teapublicans. Some of the brightest idiots on FOXnews have questioned whether we're being too soft on our kids here in Sparta America. And then we get laws promoting the beating of children. These kids grow up. And, in 31 states so far, you are allowed to Stand Your Ground when you feel threatened by someone. It is encouraged. What are they training us for?

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