Thanks to teapublican efforts to cut spending on things that don't promote republican friends and relations, some 900,000 veterans are going to have their benefits cut, as detailed here:
What the teapublicans did- probably on their way home from standing shoulder to shoulder with veterans in protest of THE MEMORIALS THAT REPUBLICANS HAD SHUT DOWN(!!!!!)- was kill a temporary increase in benefits for all Americans in the SNAP program. It was temporary like Civil Rights. We don't need special laws about Civil Rights in this post-racial America and lazy people don't need extra handouts in this post-recession America. Get over it, losers! This is NOT The Bush Tax Cuts For The Wealthy that were for ten years- in perpetuity, if you will. And, you will! It wasn't like that.
Here's the thing about military service, I guess, according to the GOP. It's not a career. Like McDonalds, it's a part-time job for young people. It doesn't pay well. You are NOT supposed to make a living at it, for God's sake! Sheesh- it's also a government job! No wonder teapublicans hate it! If you want job security in the national security business, start your own militia! Be a job creator! No one gets rich being a private in the government army. Start your own! It's damn near Constitutional....
Though not verbatim, I expressed that over-the-top sentiment on a liberal site where I was pretty confident my brilliance would be met with much support and many likes. Some guy commented right away and it had sailed right over his head. I made some allusion to sarcasm and hoped I was being diplomatic and kind in doing so. One Ferrerman's ridiculous hyperbole is some teatard's actual manifesto. Dedicated non-readers here know me but, out there on the mean streets, I'm open to interpretation. Yep, even among like-minded folk. To be Ferrer....we're all used to reading crazy shit from teapublican posters and politicians that, if you've got an open mind and a sense of humor takes you back a bit and makes you wonder about the sincerity of the speaker. There are some reichwingers on Topix that I think really might be liberals sabotaging the GOP in their own wacky way. Sadly, they're just actual idiots not playing at all.
So, I can see some good people falling victim to Ferrerman. I'm pretty good at this, ya know. I'm in the Hall Of Fame!
I went to check for likes ('cause I'm needy that way) maybe ten minutes later and noticed the post was gone! Yikes! I wasn't bounced from the site but, there was no explanation. Just comment and replies, gone with the wind. I'd have to guess that from the initial post to postpocalypse was not even 20 minutes. That's pretty fast service!
Oh well. I should have put it on a reichwing site. It'd be fun to hear people support the troops AND the cutting of their funding in the same breath. And what entrepreneur could argue with privatized armies? Our military is about as socialist as liberal communism gets, ya know. That's gotta change. Can't have that in the GREATEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD!!!!
Oh, boy. This is gonna be interesting. I can see them squirming right now. So, let's sweep it under the rug, right? lol
Can you link the site, Ferr?
Nah. All the stuff was gone so, it's a moot point. I'm kinda used to being misunderstood. Look at some of the brainiacs on Topix. Sheesh! Some people....
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