Everybody knows that, if you don't like a conversation on the threads, you just scroll on by. Some people actually do this even. My haters do this. They just stop long enough to ring up a few negative icons and then they move on, usually without comment. There motto is:
I don't care what Ferrerman says, I offend his right to say it!
What a stupid motto! But, it kinda fits.
I don't mind people telling me that I'm wrong. I just would rather hear why I'm wrong rather than some cheesy, weak icons.
The Topic Taliban exists everywhere on the threads and elsewhere on the internet. They are anywhere someone is discussing something that someone else just doesn't want to hear about. Some people can't scroll. They want to control.
I see this on Facebook on various news sites quite a bit. Inevitably, someone posts: "WHY IS THIS NEWS???" The odd part is that it's often on a news site like the NBC page. Have they ever watched the news on TV or read a paper? It's been like this since the beginning of time. It can't always be hard news, can it? Some people like fluff as well as less newsworthy stuff like school closings or obituaries.
If you spot some fluff on the NBC site on Facebook, move on! You don't have to read it. Whining about it will not help. News just might be like pornography. I don't know what it is but, I know it when I see it. The other side of the "why is this news coin" is the "Why ISN'T this news???" that reichwingers commonly refrain when the Lame Stream Media doesn't cover their made up, anecdotal stories about Black people getting away with killing white people now that Obama is in office. Story for another day. Ya just can't please everybody!
But, pleasing everybody is not the goal of most folks whose motto tends to be, "me, Me, MEEEEE!!!" Those folks just can't scroll. They must control!
Topix is chock full of people I have little or no interest in reading. I scroll like a motherfucker, to coin a phrase. Save for a handful of friends, there are few names I view that cause me to click and read. I hate to break troll hearts (that's a lie: I love to break troll hearts!) but, there are no good trolls out there with marquee value. Frankly, there aren't even any good republicans with interesting takes on politics. Why do I do this then? Well, I like to fight and I'm good at it. Topix can't be all reichwing hatred and bullying ya know. It could also be more interesting? Maybe?
I don't know about that. Too many factions see it as personal email for their sect, a way of keeping in touch with others and knowing how they are doing. (It turns out, they are doing OK. Yay! How 'bout you?) The Chicago Dregs thread is like that. It's boring with intermittent spurts of interesting that are usually squelched by someone complaining about the direction the posting is taking. Back in the day, one girl used to almost literally jump in screaming "STOP IT! JUST STOP IT!!!" if someone dared get political. They had set up separate threads for things like politics and sex talk and everyone could go there...or else....
People would but, ya know, it's just not the same when dialogue is channeled like that. Who needs a traffic cop saying: The Vietnam War, Civil Rights and the Kennedy assassination and it's effects on both? Oh, that's not here. You need to take that kinda talk there, not here. You can take it there and anyone who has an opinion on that can go along there because some don't want to talk about that here, now. You understand, don't ya? By the way, how are you? My lumbago has been acting up lately....
I just like conversation better when it flows, when it just happens in the moment. It seems a lot more interesting without parameters and gatekeepers controlling or stifling. Of course, I'm a liberal democrat. How clueless, nuts and spam is that!?
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