Sunday, May 19, 2013

Safety Nets

One in seven Americans is now relying on food stamps for all or part of their daily sustenance. That's AMERICANS, with a capital 'muricans. According to my calculations, 45 million people. Can you imagine that in what is generally regarded as "the greatest country in the world"? 

Kinda makes one think that that slogan is just lip service. It's easy to say. It's cheap, too.

Republican congresspersons, shocked that the monetary lay-out has increased from $35 billion in '07 to $80 billion in 2012 want to drastically cut that. The Senate wants to cut $4.1 billion from the program and the house wants to cut 5 times that. You know they won't stop there. These are the same assholes who, as of this moment, have voted 37 times to symbolically repeal "Obamacare". This, at a cost of $50 million dollars to the taxpayers. So, no charge to GE, Exxon, dozens of other major corporations, various billionaires and, of course, poor people. What's that definition of insanity again? Oh yeah- "Doing the same thing over again and expecting different results."  Congress accentuates that.

Well, what else can they do? Any idiot can tell you that you need to take in less money and cut spending to be successful. Duh! You shrink government down to a size where you can drown it in a bath tub too. It makes a lot of sense if you don't think about it.

But, they have thought about this and somehow it makes sense to them, to do this. Regular people pick up on this for a variety of reasons.  An idiot can look at the time period, note that it covers the Obama first term (except for the last two years of Bush...) and determine that, yep, Obama is "The Food Stamp President" as thousands of idiots have proclaimed him. Figures don't lie, ya know. Obviously, it behooves him to get the entire country on welfare and food stamps that's what he's a socialist mooslime!

See? That explains that! Republicans, having failed at their main mission of making his a "one term presidency" (Mitch McConnell) now must ensure that Obama be limited to two terms. Mark my words- they will succeed at this. I don't doubt that.

There has to be a good reason they are still going after Obama, tooth and nail. It's too easy to say these assholes are insane. It's too easy to simply say they are simply assholes. Too easy to say they are racist.

They are insane, racist, assholes but those traits are simply incidental to their greed. Truth is, they don't care anymore about my white ass, or yours than they don't a black or Hispanic ass. It's all about greed. Racism and national pride are just sentiments to exploit to get others to go along with their own demise.

Our own demise. What else could it be? They've shipped jobs overseas while letting bankers rape and pillage the economy and now- while a ridiculous amount of people are dependent upon the government (the "we" in  we the people by the way) they want to eliminate food stamps, welfare and Social Security which they have convinced stupid people is a gubmint gimme for lazy old people rather than a program working people pay into for their retirement. And never minding all that, instead of increasing the minimum wage to more closely reflect the cost of living here in 2013, these fuckers want to eliminate it!

I guess wages are an entitlement now?

No, they argue that, you will do better with the shackles of a minimum wage (or Union scale) removed. Don't like that $2 an hour this guy is paying? Move on down the road until you find someone willing to pay you, what YOU command as a worker. 

Keep on moving until your hat floats because, when the parameters are removed, we will all be working for what the bossman dictates. Remember when Mitt Romney was caught on tape admiring how Chinese factories had to have fences and guards to keep people out who, if not impeded, would come in and work in hopes of getting paid 97 cents an hour? Mitt believes that! I guess the nets spread out over the atrium's in those Chinese factories are fun-time trampolines rather than safety nets to cheat depressed employees out of suicide.

Those safety nets are our future. Why? Evidently, it's good business and, the business of America is business. I think that's 'murican for arbeit macht frei. It's all starting to sound familiar...

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