The irony of the Chik-Fil-A drama is that, if Dan Cathy had stayed in the closet, nobody would have known he was a bigot. Oh- they might have wondered but, that's the way people are. But, Cathy opted to get all flamboyant about it. Then, other media types who are like him got emboldened and then came out in support of Cathy. Who knew that Mike Huckabee was that way!? He's like a priest or something! And all of Foxnews! It takes all kinds, I guess. Anyway, I guess bigots have their rights too but, do they have to be so flamboyant? Sheesh- I bet they're going to have parades next!
Republicans, Christian conservatives- all those assholes- are extremely flamboyant these days. But, just when you think it's annoying and you wish they'd shut up, you realize that it's best to have them out of the closet and on the public record. See, these people weren't in metaphorical closets, they were in board rooms, senate chambers- positions of power, where they could use their bigotry at their discretion. It isn't just gays. Gays are a pretty easy target in their eyes, or so it would seem. All sorts of people are fighting back against the Dan Cathy types because they are realizing they could be next. Jesus is famous for saying: "That which you do to the least of my people, you do to me." Something like that. There is more of that every day and conservatives are getting more and more flamboyant about it.
True, in many ways they always have. The Klan and Neo-Nazi's have long held public rallies. Now we have Tea Partiers in costume with weapons displayed. What's the difference?
Acceptance. Or, the perception of acceptance. If ten years ago a fast food chain had an anti-gay or anti-anything agenda, we didn't know about it. Now it's front page news so people can know about it and argue about it.
One of the arguments is "Why should we care what Chick-Fil-A thinks?"
Because corporations are people, my friend. Thanks to the Supreme Court they are free to use their money to manipulate American elections. No, Texas can't execute one but, they are considered *people*. And they are rich people whose opinions matter more than mine or yours because they reach a larger audience than you or I.
What's really offensive is that Chick-Fil-A (which has awesome sausage biscuits, by the way) doesn't at all mind alienating a sizable portion of their market by going out of their way to alienate a sizable portion of their market. Seems like bad business to me. While its not exactly the American apartheid of the recent old South with segregated lunch counters, in almost as bad in that, they'll cheerfully serve anyone but, a portion of the profits goes to discriminating against a portion of the clientele.
So, boycott them for their bigotry? Sure. They came out of the closet and got all uppity and in every one's faces about their bigotry. They asked for it!
Dan Cathy has a *right* to his views and values as well. He's even got a *right*, I guess, to be a bad businessman and brag about his views.
We all have a right to choose a side or even ignore the whole deal. Whether gay people marry or not doesn't affect/effect me at all. It really shouldn't matter to anyone but the gay intendeds anyway. What matters to me is any group of people trying to limit another group's rights. Jesus was against that and so is Ferrerman. Someone has to take on the values of Jesus Christ if the Christians are not willing to do it. Jesus just might have been the founder of the liberals.
And besides, now we're stuck with the dilemma of debating whether corporate bigotry is instilled at incorporation or if it's a business model? I wonder what the Bible says about that.
I had to have a quick Google about this. I wasn't sure what a Chik-fil-A was, or the bloke. The name sounds like something you fill cracks in walls with.
Like you, I don't understand why people's sexual preferences are anyone's business but theirs.
You're also forgetting that the 'Christians' are actually Bible thumpers. They don't follow Christ's example, they are all about the Old Testament God - fire and brimstone and 'an eye for an eye'. They call themselves Christians but they prefer retribution to love, and like to pick out quotations which they think support their slant on life. If Christ turned up in their midst today, they'd probably stone him.
They are extremely happy to quote from the Bible, but you never hear 'love thy neighbour'; 'turn the other cheek'; 'do unto others as you would have them do unto you' etc. No it's strictly Old Testament for all these people, and that has nothing to do with Christianity.
I'm not terribly versed in the Bible. Many Christians treat it like a cafeteria and pick out what they like. I've long said that, if Christ returned, they'd say: "Who died and made YOU boss?!" It's very ironic that these people hate all week and then go worship the ultimate liberal on Sunday.
Chick-Fil-A is actually a very good fast food chain. The staff is well-trained, polite, professional and I think better paid than McDonalds et al. I saw Cathy on "60Minutes" a few years ago. At that time he was making reference about their being a christian company. They're closed on Sunday, for example but, I think he tried to portray this as being a day off for his employees rather than some kind of religious thing. It's a dumb day to be closed! Hell- he's missing the Church crowd! But, that's old testament- not working on the Sabbath...Isn't Saturday the Sabbath? I get confused....
The Old Testament is more about Judaism and for the Jews the Shabbat is on Saturday.
Don't know if you are familiar with Lewis Black but, here's his take on the Old Testament:
I dont know what to say. This blog is fantastic. Thats not really a really huge statement, but its all I could come up with after reading this. You know so much about this subject. So much so that you made me want to learn more about it. Your blog is my stepping stone, my friend. Thanks for the heads up on this subject.
I haven't been paying too much attention to this, but nothing really happened at our Chick-Fil-A, except eating because it's really, really good chicken.
I knew something was weird when it opened a few years back in our county's only shopping mall. They're closed on Sunday.
Keep at eye on retailer Hot Topic; something religious going on there. And, the next time any of you go to In 'n Out Burger, check out the quote from Psalms at the bottom of your white paper bag. Something about their palm tree logo, too. It looks like a cross.
Many malls- at least the indoor ones- have rules that each business must be open whenever the mall is open. They get fined if they don't. I did a lot of work at an upscale mall in Memphis that had a Chickfila. I'm inclined to believe they were open on Sunday but, not sure as we never worked in there on Sunday. NOT because of our religious beliefs though- OVERTIME!
If any business wants to push their Christianity, it's their business. If I don't like it, I can shop elsewhere. Once I find out they support something I don't support, that will kinda cinch it. I had no problem with their Christian stuff after seeing the owner interviewed on "60Minutes", several years ago. I just thought being closed on Sunday was dumb!
In protest a company (?) has created the chic on chic sandwich. I was sad to see so many people in line to support ignorance. Makes me ill.
Hey, thingy is back. May be for a limited time, but can't seem to keep a lid on current events. : )
YAY!!!!! I like The Thingy waaaaay better than The McRib!!!!!!
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