The City Council of Eugene, Oregon is debating whether to recite the Pledge of Allegiance before every meeting. Is that necessary? I mean is it necessary for grown men and women to recite a pledge, to flag and country, everytime they get together? Why is a political party that rails against BIG GOVERNMENT whining about people not worshipping government enough? Just what exactly do they have in store for us should they be sucessful in their bid to overthrow the Obama regime?
I think it's a mixed signal they are sending. You can't walk around saying out of one side of your mouth that government shouldn't be Mr Bossy-pants and then, out the other, complain that the current administration isn't bossy enough.
I *get* the part where they want there job and power back. That's politics. The losing party has to look shocked and say: "Dammit- these guys aren't doing any of the things we didn't elect them to do!" The second place finishers have to disagree with EVERYTHING the first place champions do. For example, the other day Obama cured cancer. You'd think the teapublicans would be happy about that because they get cancer too. But, they weren't.
"Obama hates funeral directors and cemetaries!" they cried. "Doctors too!" they added. Foxnews called him "The job-killing-cancer-murdering-one-term-president!" And that was just to introduce a report about flooding in North Dakota.
I made that up. He hasn't cured cancer yet but, I think I fuckin' nailed the future teapublican/Fox reaction should it ever happen.
The point is, in the second-place finisher quest to get back in front, a lot of stupid things are said. The stupidest of all might be the all-encompassing "small government". We're going to shrink government. Stand at attention and sing while we do it! We're rugged individualists here in America. recite this pledge of allegiance. Or else....
Their idea of shrinking government is cutting out any social services- anything that costs money but doesn't get you and/or a crony richer. If there were millions of dollars to be earned by privatizing welfare (for example) I could garaunfuckingtee that there would always BE welfare. Privatization is not on the table, of course, so that's just food for thought. I hope... I don't want to give them ideas that they already likely have. The right always likes to say that government should be run like a business, as if that ensured success. The malls are full of the ghosts of business past. Cutting social services would save tax money. I suppose it would save mega billions. It wouldn't lower your taxes though. That money would go elsewhere. Where exactly? They haven't said. It just wouldn't go in the pockets of those crack-smoking-liberal-leeches! That's all we need to worry our pretty little heads about anyway. Just move along....nothing to see here....OH! Look at that!
Be careful what you salute, America. Be wary of what you sing about. Be extra wary of those who tell you what you must salute or sing about. Just, be wary.
Oh Goody, can I play?
moderated comments... hmmmmm
I have to moderate. Some people misbehave. One knucklehead, for example, would write long, rambling responses- longer than my posts! I told him to get his own blog. He wrote a long, rambling missive about smoking dope and then forgot he had a blog. So, that worked out.
It's your mindless lemming-esque obedience to your Liberal Elite rulers that makes you incapable of fathoming the difference between country and government. You can't understand that people can love their country while disliking the current group of lame elected politicians and their appointed bureaucracy.
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