What if McCain/Palin had won in '08? Would we the people be better off or worse? Would Sarah Palin still even be VP? Would there be a tea party? How much would we pay for gasoline, which was over $4 a gallon prior to November 2008, today? Would we be in a depression or in a recession?
It'd be pretty weird to have a team from the same party that got us into the mess trying to get us out of the mess. Who would they blame?
Well, Clinton and Carter like they do now when they're worn out from blaming Obama. And FDR for his socialist programs of over 70 years ago would be blamed. Don't forget LBJ.... Suffice to say, McCain wouldn't be blaming Bush (too much) publicly because that would be bad form.
The American people tend to vote in different parties every four to eight years. After eight years of Bush/Cheney shenannigans, there was little chance of McCain/Palin getting elected. The RNC just wanted to field a team and- hey- why not throw our first girl in there?
So, it wasn't gonna happen but, what if....
Well, there certainly wouldn't be a Tea Party! Without a black democrat president, why would there be? The tea party was formed less than two months after Obama took the oath. That was a bit impetuous don't ya think? I think they would have been more receptive of McCain and Palin than that. They likely would have waited another term or two before realizing the country was going to Hell.
Would Palin even be vice president? She might have resigned by now for a lucrative job at Foxnews and to make films. You don't think so? refer to her half term as governor.
How 'bout the house of representatives? With a republican president would there have been this *revolution* as we allegedly saw in '10? Remember- there wouldn't have been a tea party to *make it happen*. (Ferrerman's note: I'm sure they helped things along but, November 2010 was NOT a mandate from the people. If the teapee'ers think it was that ship seems to have sailed as they really haven't taken advantage of that regime change, have they?) So, a few seats would have changed butts, quite possibly more R's than D's. That seems to happen every election....
I bet firing teachers, busting unions and trying to cut social programs would be the mantra of McCain and the right just as it is now. They would STILL be trying to tell us that rich people paying LESS in taxes was the only way to create jobs. The democrats would still hold the senate so, that would be a lot of rhetoric to this point, the foreshadowing of things to come, as it is now. That the republicans are tring so hard to stymie Obama makes me wonder if this country will ever really recover. If one of these lunkheads gets into the White House in '12, it will be four years of nothing but blaming Obama for everything and four years of begging for four more years because it will take time to undo the carnage....,
Kinda sounds like now with the democrats, eh? Yeah, a little bit. However, starving poor people and feeding rich people (MORE!) will never be the answer so, I'll never go along with the republicans as they will never come off of that. Plus, I'm a coffee drinker anyway.
Interesting post. I never really thought about it, but, yeah, there would be no tea party if McCain/Palin had won.(Gahd, that seems like a lifetime ago)
Can you see Palin just quitting the VP role to do 'The Housewives of Alaska? Hmm... Yeah, I can.
Deficits wouldn't matter either! Everything would pretty much be the same (or worse) and we'd have Fox news telling us how great things are!
I can't wait to see Palins movie but, I might have to go to a red state to see it. She might be punishing us....
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