And heaven knows I DO NOT mean God's chosen people! We're in enough trouble as it is! AND we have a *messiah* (or so we're told) so, don't try to pin that on us too.
But, we are being blamed for all of America's ills kinda like 1930's Germany had issues with Jewish citizens. Well, not all of Germany did. Mostly it was the loud-talking Nazi's of the time. Today in America it's the loud-talking, ALL CAPS POSTING Tea Party persons who do most of the finger pointing.
To hear them tell it we are violent, America-hating, *PROGRESSIVES* (spit after saying that) who just can't embrace Muslim/Communist/Fascist/Socialism fast enough. The Tea Party's foremost 3rd rate psychologist (some asshole whose name is unimportant) has even determined that "liberalism is a mental disorder" not unlike homosexuality, another famous mental disorder disavowed by actual psychologists as being an actual mental disorder. To hear them tell it, *we" run the media (except FOXNEWS THE most watched -and least liberal- news outlet in all of cabledom) so, all other media is "the liberal lame-stream media" which conspires to report on Sarah Palin and Christine O'Donnel saying dumb things a dozen or more times a day when there time would be better spent making these two (and others) look like fucking genius's instead, like FOX does.
The "violent" thing gets me the most, I think. Some 250,000 or more people gathered this past weekend to be entertained by Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert at the mall in Washington and I don't think there was a single incident. Certainly no violence. But then, I don't watch FOXNEWS so, they might have sacrificed a few dozen corporate CEO's, looted a few banks and murdered a few republican women who refused mandatory abortions and/or Sharia law. I don't know.
Really, the liberals I know, friends and family, are the nicest, gentlest people I know. Good people to party with, lot's of fun. The crowd at the Sanity rally looked the same, all nice people of good humor and attitude. No violence.
Yet, people in the threads try to portray liberals as violent all the time. They cite the young woman who got her head stomped by a man twice her size while held down by three other men at a Rand Paul rally as an example of the violent left. Now, why was this? Well, she wore a wig, held a sign and advanced towards Rand Paul. She could have been an assassin. She wasn't but, she *could* have been....
Oy vey but these schmucks can extrapolate like nobodies business!
Er, uh, I mean, these fucks are just too far gone. It's ridiculous.
Now, republicans in general are probably decent enough people. Most of them aren't even necessarily assholes, I bet. But, I seriously doubt there is a single tea-bagger who IS normal and fun at parties. Just how do you condemn the violence of the left and not even take a breath to add that you wish the cameras had been off so that little lady got a serious beat down? "I'm against violence and I'll kill anyone who disagrees with me!" That's a bit disingenuous.
What bothers me though is that such propaganda is a primer for the finish coat. It's prep work. The Big Lie essentially means that, if you repeat something often enough, people tend to come to believe it is true. When Glenn Beck tells people that he can't prove there are NOT FEMA Camps in Montana, his followers are led to believe that there probably ARE. It's one thing for them to be so fucking stupid. They are allowed to be stupid. But when the seed is planted, watered and fertilized to grow as if it were truth, then that is wrong. Might they be foreshadowing concentration camps for us? You know- because *we* did that to *them*.... it's only fair. We *attacked* their crazy politicians disguised as small women WITH SIGNS! *We* are against the 2nd Amendment so *we* are going to take their guns away so *we* must be stopped....
Oy vey, again. I realize these people are fucking stupid, paranoid idiots. They do not understand that, should they win a few elections tomorrow and not play ball with the incumbent dems and repubs, they'll be looking for work in two years time. They won't change a fucking thing.
But, in pre-Nazi Germany perhaps the mainstream parties of their day chuckled at that goofball Adolph Hitler and his band of thugs and social rejects. What's that tell ya? They call is "socialists". Now, how does that famous poem go again.....
did you see this site ferrer?
your adoring fan
another good one.
Thanks for the link, Annie! I put it on Facebook for family and friends.
Saw the second one, annie. LOVED IT! REAL Americans!
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