I was wondering this election night, how different this season would be if McCain/Palin had won in '08.
We'd be far, far worse off, of course. Sheesh, I shudder to think of that. I'm sorry I brought it up. Gawd- what a fucking nightmare.....
But, that's not my point.
Would there be a tea party? Would there be an astroturf movement of patriots screaming to take back America (financed by the billionaire Koch brothers)? Would there be a Sharon Angle and 2nd amendment remedies? A hands-free Christine O'Donnel? Rand Fucking Paul (not certain of his real middle name)? Would there be any of these other yahoos?
Maybe. There wouldn't be any socialist/communist/fascist healthcare to whine about. Glenn Beck would be doing far less whining and possibly even less inciting to riot. He'd be too busy praising McCain/Palin and maybe justifying of the war in Iran (yeah, I spelled it right) to do anything but nod towards Bill Clinton as the villian in all things current.
Remember now, Obama (or some other democrat) would have been the 2nd place finisher so we would still be looking at them dealing with 8 years of Bush. I don't think those two could have handled this mess. We wouldn't be looking at full employment and a robust- or even steady- economy. We'd still be fucked. Just fucked worse.
The left would be doing some complaining but Beck and the other morons in the threads would be shouting the left down, accusing them of treason and of maybe not being patient. So, yeah, no changes there.
So, what would these elections bring? Probably more democrats into office as people realized that McCain just wasn't getting the job done. The left would gear up for a very serious and necessary run at the presidency in '12 which they would surely win. Just like in '08....
For a moment tonight, I wondered if Obama came in at the right time. Maybe '12 would have been better?
No. He was- is- the right man for the job and he came in at the right time. Imagine 4 years of McCain/Palin. As if Bush had not ruined this country enough, would YOU want to follow him PLUS McCain/Palin?
The republican plan seems to be to screw the country up so badly, fight Obama and the dems over everything at all costs, and make Obama a one term president like Mitch McConnell has stated. Fucking morons. Patriots? I don't think so.
Goodness! What an awful scenario I've presented! Just looking ahead while I look back, not liking what I see.
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