That's a familiar refrain down south. Often it's an admonition for someone to behave.
"If you don't start none, there won't be none."
This is to say that there might be trouble, Johnny, but, don't you be the one to start it. You'll be that much better of a person for it.
But, others I noticed, would say the same phrase but put the emPHAsis on the wrong syllABLES.
"If YOU, don't start none, THERE won't BE none!"
In other words, let's get this party started!
This is the way I look at the news media these days. FOX, of course, is fucking horrible and clearly intent on creating news rather than reporting it. MSNBC and CNN aren't much better. The cable news giants are all about opinion rather than reporting. I realize that they have 24 hours to fill, seven days a week and you can only say so much about our two wars or a bombing in the Phillipines and so it's easy to fall in to the trap of speculating about the news.
I don't know which came first here, the NFL pre-game shows with a bunch of ex-players sitting around wondering what might happen in the upcoming game or a bunch of ex-politicians prognosticating about what might happen on the political field. It's the same crap.
So, no, I do not have a preferred venue for *news* these days. Hell, I don't even trust drunks and small children anymore. It seems all of them have a book to sell as well.
The *news* whether it be local or cable or even network, seems to be all about telling me how I feel about an issue and then asking me how I feel about it and would I might like to text or twitter....
Perhaps I'm officially old but, Walter Cronkite didn't do that. When he took off his glasses, rubbed his eyes and calmly told us that John F. Kennedy was dead, he didn't ask us how we felt about that. He didn't tell us. He knew. We knew.
Nobody knows anymore. Nobody thinks for themself. They think OF themself but not FOR. It doesn't matter if it's the cute blondes on FOX or the cute brunettes on MSNBC. They are asking you how you feel about what they just told you, TO feel.
That's not news. That's pornography.
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