Monday, August 16, 2010


I'm beat. I admit it. I got no more and I cannot win.

I cannot beat Craig. No one can!

"What are you talking about, Ferrerman?" someone might ask. "You cannot beat Craig? YOU? You took on and defeated, Angelique770, one of the internets foremost fake therapists. You beat her like a rented, red-headed step-mule! AND her gang too! AND the hired guns in her employ. You made Topixtown safe for citizen posters of all races, creeds and colors. The mere mention of your name in Topixtown sends what's left of the dregs and ninnies into panic.

And you are saying you cannot beat Craig?!!??"

Yes, that's what I'm saying. Thanks for paying attention. No, I cannot beat Craig and I must say that no one can.

I'll tell you why.

Craig is a fucking idiot.

Ya know how W.C. Fields said, "You can't cheat an honest man"? Well, I'm saying that you can't beat a fucking idiot. Sure, I *beat* him on my worst day. I can phone the beatings in and beat him. I post better ASLEEP than he does AWAKE. If I died tomorrow, I would STILL out-post him for a hundred years. Is it because I'm that good? Well, yeah, but, it's mostly because he's a fucking idiot. And, you can't beat a fucking idiot.

I'm not doing this alone either. I'm fighting alongside the finest posters to ever hit the reply keys. Dem- he's our Luca Brazi. He fears no one. Hegel- the finest all around poster EVER. Repug sniper- OY VEY! Sel- pound for pound (and still losing weight) the best lesbian poster, bar none. Curly1- on the DL but, resting up for the finals in November. Leo- hubbalabubbala (and I'm still lacking a redhead on my resume....) And not to forget Kooky, Fetch boy and my own pal, Larry Meber.

If this were baseball, we'd be the '27 Yankees but, we can't beat the '62 Mets? If this were a UFC fight, I, we, would be standing over a knocked down, drug out Craig. He'd be toothless, bloody, both eyes blackened, broken ribs... the ref holding our hands up in victory....

....and Craig would be laughing his ass off at how bloody he had gotten our hands.... thus *winning* the fight....

See, kids, Craig is too fucking stoopid to realize he's been beat. The guy declares victory with every post he pounds out. Every cut-n' paste from FOXNOISE= VICTORY FOR CRAIG! Every- well, you get the idea.

No, I can't beat him. No, we can't beat him. No one can beat Craig. He beat himself long ago. He's just too stupid to realize it. Like a 3 year old who covers his eyes and believes himself to be invisible, so goes Craig. Failure, is not an option for Craig. Neither is making coherent posts....

Craig will see this blog post as a *victory* for Craig. A speed-reader with a 160 IQ, he will read the title and understand that and that, will suffice for him. Another notch on his keyboard. Ferrerman goes down in flames. He'll wish more than two people read my blog then....

And so it goes....


Curly said...

ROTFLMAO!!!! are a riot! And you are also 100% correct. Craig if an idiot! You are smart to make that realization, makes it easier to sit back and just watch him dig his grave a bit deeper. its a bit like working with the severely mentally disabled, they will never get it. As hard as you try....but in their case...they have an excuse!Craig....his only excuse is that he is an idiot!
Thanks for including me in the roster Ferrerman. Its been an endless battle prior to Obama's election win. Nothing has changed!!!!!

ex-ferrer said...

We can't beat him and we certainly can't join him BUT, we can make fun of him!

Curly said...

The making fun of him part is the the most fun.....and its easy!