Sunday, October 11, 2009

Real People

It seems I hardly even have to tweak the dregs any more. They are so busying fighting amongst themselves and hating the kid from Morris that they don't need me to raise their ire. "Introverts" eh? I guess in the way that wild dogs are introverted.

For example, one of them leaves the pack after his wife's blog is invaded by a miscreant. And the leader of this pack see's fit to publicly link the blog in the threads! As if this family hadn't already suffered enough grief, she tries ensure that more is possible by posting a link to a blog that nobody even knew existed!

And yours truly, who is STILL getting chastised for "posting someone's personal info" -something I did not even come CLOSE to doing- see's where their clueless leader has no problem regularly posting the real first name of one of her gang. Really now, is that necessary? True, he has a common first name but, I get raked over the coals for juxtaposing a few letters in what anybody would see as an run-of-the-mill post and then the dregs CALL ATTENTION TO IT THEMSELVES effectively begging people to unscramble the letters and - I don't know- unleash the hounds of Hell? Puh-leez! And, new members of the gang, at orientation I suppose, are taught that _I_ am evil? How long before these knuckleheads are told to strap explosives to themselves? How long before they DO IT? Take one for the team...virtual BJ's await you in the hereafter...just pull the cord when you get into this thread, scream ANGELIQUE AKBAR!'ll be fine...bubble tea?

I wish I could make these people up. But, like fearless leader once said: "Must kill moose and squirrel".

Oops! Wrong fearless leader! This one says: "These stories write themselves!"

And, they do. "Real" people from the threads, submitted for your approval...

I'm off to tend my garden now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You raise some interesting points, but I'm not in any gang Ferrerman. I also have no leader. I know some have expressed dislike, but I also think it is clear from my posts that I don't hate the kid from Morris. You make many generalizations that are not true.
