The solution to immigration is not a wall. It's repealing and (not) replacing the minimum wage.
You take away the economic incentive to immigrate to the United States and you defeat immigration without lifting a brick or strand of barbwire. Easy-peasy. Republicans already hate the minimum and have plans to repeal it and replace it with "the free market" anyway so they can do that and pocket the $25 billion or so that an unnecessary wall would cost. These are people who believe that $7.25 an hour is "too high" anyway so, of course they believe that free-market wages would be good for America. What they haven't (at least publicly) considered is that eliminating the minimum would also virtually eliminate illegal immigration. Why would anyone come to America to make a dollar an hour when you could stay in Mexico or Uganda or Canada and make more? People in oil-rich Equatorial Guinea live on $2 a day! We can do that here. Why not?
The business of America is business. If you don't like it- leave. Or, stay and create a better credit default swap derivative. We welcome such innovation.
Making America Great Again is not easy. In fact, it's pretty fucking hard. That's why, beyond the red hats and hashtag, the republican party will do nothing to actually make America great, neither again or in the future. Does a great country take health care away from it's citizens? Not that I've heard of. How about taking away public education and replacing it with private schools? Sweden doesn't do that. Neither do those socialist commie pigs in Canada. Just the US does that. Or, at least seriously considers doing that. Will they? Yeah. Probably. Republicans think everything should be privatized. They'd be all about abortion if it wasn't more lucrative to *fight* it. If that were not the economic situation they'd be the first to call for a woman's right to choose and there'd be an abortion shop next to every Walgreens or Starbuck's. They scream about the gang murders in Chicago but, maybe mostly because they can't figure out a way to privatize it and make money off of it? You'd think that they would promote the violence as a clear interpretation of their beloved 2A as people are defending themselves with God-given weapons. Well, maybe not God-given. The gangs get most of their guns via legal purchases in nearby Indiana and/or from theft. In a sense it is privatized, maybe? We arm the world for fun and profit- why not ourselves? They may be black or Hispanic but- by God- they are living the republican dream of entrepreneurial, gun-toting freedom.
I do wonder if this president and this congress might rethink their affection for guns as they strip even their own constituents of rights and privileges. There's a bunch of guns out there and part of the GOP sales pitch was to buy guns and ammo to protect yourself from the government. The republicans probably doubted they'd ever see the inside of The White House again (or for a long while) and so it was good business to push anti-government rhetoric while there were democrats running things- especially a black one. But, now with an orange, technically-republican president they might not be so keen on second amendment remedies all of a sudden. That's usually the way revolutions and coups go. People ought to pay attention to history. Past is prologue ya know.
How quickly will this happen? As promised, they are moving fast on the ACA repeal with nothing resembling a replacement in sight. They didn't think Trump would win and they weren't sure they'd retain both houses. They did and probably just planned on at least four more years of obstruction. On November 8th of last year though they were like the kids that suddenly lost their parents and realized that-hey- there's cash and a stocked liquor cabinet and we can do whatever we want now....PARTY!!!!
They have no excuses now and hardly anybody to answer to. They can pretty much do as they please and change the rules as they go along. They seem to be curious as to find out how much shit we'll take from them. We haven't come close to bottoming-out yet. Trump supporters don't seem to be disturbed at the ACA removal or talk of privatizing or eliminating Medicare or Social Security. My guess is they view republicans as "smart". Throw an alleged billionaire like Trump in as president and they gotta figure these guys know what they're doing...
They do. They've got a license to steal. Well, they have the rights to the printing of that license at least and it looks like that's enough.
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