I'm wondering if, given the current political climate and the history of the Civil War and reconstruction, it was ever really meant to be that the states be united? Seems like one long-ass mistake, doesn't it? I mean, for the most part, we in the north have tried to be America and they actually do celebrate the 4th of July in the south but, the United part of The United States never really took hold there.
Frankly, it doesn't really have much to do with the Mason-Dixon line anymore unless you want to think of an imaginary Mason-Dixon line between good and evil.
We're still fighting the Civil war here whether you believe the original conflict was about slavery or state's rights. No one in so many words is arguing to bring back slavery (not even Trump!) but, the republicans are trying to eliminate the minimum wage. While technically not slavery, if you eliminate the minimum, you can see it from there. And a state's right to not have a minimum wage is definitely part of that, um- thinking. If you can legally not pay someone to work who is not your child and not an intern, you are either a slaver or a pimp. I have to tell you that neither is the least bit honorable and I don't care what Bible passages you can find that you think say that slavery is good thing. It isn't. If you disagree, BE a slave. Then get back to us about how you enjoyed it.
We as a nation have never fully grasped the concept of Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Pretty basic stuff.
Would you like to be paid an un-living wage for your labor? I'm gonna say no. Let's not delve into Sublime-like, phony lawyer, hyperbole here either. No ideologue idiocy about how the low, low minimum should inspire people to go to college and become ensconced in that debt so they can make better money...and pay off those ridiculous student loans. Fuck that asshole and those who think like him. It's a very simple question. I can't imagine anyone who wasn't an idiot saying they should not be paid a living wage.
Yet people who vote republican are saying that. They are just too stupid to realize it. They seem to think it won't apply to them. People have a habit of over-estimating their own value to others, while they devalue those around them. It's like joining a club or a gang. Essentially they are all Ponzi schemes where the original members get paid off, basically by bringing other dues-paying members.
If you're buying into state's rights by buying into slogans like "A government big enough to give you everything you want, is big enough to take away everything that you have" then you are dumb enough not to realize that you're just downsizing your rights is all. Your state is still government. Do you really think that they want a bunch of unregulated assholes running around doing anything they want? Oh, and not paying taxes? It's like a guy who fools around with a married woman. When she divorces her husband and marries him, he's good with the fact that she'll maybe be loyal to him, and- if she's not- that's her prerogative.
The argument of state's eights today is far more than a secessionist dream of picking up in the south with slavery, plantations and Scarlet and Rhett as if the Yankees had never gotten aggressive. Today it's that plus the more modern dilemmas of abortion, religion, Mexicans moving in, no more black presidents ever, abortion again, religion again and, of course taxes. You know you're being Taxed Enough Already and forced to pay for things you don't approve of like being nice to fellow Americans (socialism) so, balkanizing the country seems like a solution. Of course it technically is a solution. So is cutting off your body parts to get in on that lucrative baby parts market you were told Planned Parenthood was doing. That's a solution, uh huh...
It really would be balkanization rather than the US and the Confederacy. We could have 50 countries instead of states. There would be a free market of America where, laws and rules exist only if the free market supports them. Competition! Competition among the states would be good for business! The business of America is business, right? Leave it up to the state's to decide what's legal and what's not! Except abortion and religion, of course. Can't be having those at all- anywhere!
I get a kick out of assholes like Ted Cruz who, with his tea party roots, screams about state's rights and small government while he fights tooth and nail a very expensive fight to become president of the UNITED STATES. He acts like he's going to get the job and then immediately redistribute all his power to the states because, why else would anybody bother with the presidency when all the real power will be given to governors and their state legislatures?
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