I watched more of the GOP debate than I thought I would. The debates are stupid and archaic. But, so are the GOP candidates and *ideas*. The format of spreading questions to be answered in 30 second time frames is silly whether there are 11 suspects on the stage or three.
Politicians, like cops, are allowed to lie to you. Just like a cop can tell you: "We've got 20 people- including your mother- who can put you at the scene!" politicians tell you that they have seen videos of jars of still living aborted fetuses flopping about before they are sent to the Planned Parenthood chop shop to be sold for parts.
Cops, however, are expected to tell the truth once they get to court. I'm not saying they do, but they are expected to... We really have no such expectations of politicians. You knew that.
I was reading the other day that Ann Coulter isn't as marketable as she used to be. She's not getting the bookings anymore. She and Rush Limbaugh used to be THE go to's for outrageous comments. Those two said the things that republican politicians were afraid to say. Well, no more. These republican candidates and politicians have no filters these days and few seem to have any qualms about saying outrageous crap. They don't have to back anything up with facts. Fuck facts. If you are a republican, your opinions pass as facts to other republicans.
If I were a republican, I'd be ashamed. Of course, if I were a republican this whole post would be about how Obama is a secret Muslim who eats Christian babies. I just don't have it in me. I can't sustain the crazy. I don't know how they do it.
Politics seems to be the great equalizer. Billionaire Donald Trump polls really well among blue collar rednecks. They relate to his jingoistic musings about Mexicans. There's that and, well, he's a rich boss so, he must know what he's talking about. One of these types stood up yesterday at a Trump speech, declared the president a Muslim and stated that we have a "Muslim problem" in this country. Trump didn't even try to disavow that.
Every minute these candidates and politicians sound more and more like trolls on the internet. When I read reichwingers saying idiotic things I now think: OMG- this asshole could be a republican front-runner! He'd be one or two Kochs away from maybe getting the nomination! YIKES! President DennyCranesplace?! Noooo....
He's not that smart. They are that stupid. Trump, Jindal, Cruz- they do speak for their constituents. That's a goddamned shame. So, there's that- they're not completely shameless...
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