They didn't make me the Ferrerman I am today- life did that. Trolls just made me famous and infamous. Is there a difference?
Without trolls i'm just a reasonably brilliant, irreverent and rather charming poster. Good qualities but, that and a dollar will get you uptown on the streetcar. I get a lot of good and negative feedback on my posted thoughts elsewhere on the internet. My personal best is a 1000+ likes on a comment I made. To be ferrer, those people didn't know I was Ferrer but, to be ferrer, they didn't care. They just liked what I had to say. It's the ones who do care too much that care to troll as they do on Topix at the mere hint of Ferrerman.
And they are the ones who make Ferrermen famous. If they had it to do all over again, they'd surely do it the same way, all over again. You would notice a pattern developing. I could on for pages about how stupid these trolls were to obsess with me and how they made me the most feared Ferrerman- ever- and they would still carry on with more anti-Ferrerman sentiment. Why stop digging a hole now just because you can't get out?
One of the first things I learned when I got on Topix was "DFTT"- Don't Feed The Trolls. You hardly ever see that admonition anymore. Have you noticed that? I think it's because trolls are so pervasive that it just can't be helped. They won't go away just because they're being ignored/not fed. No diet effects their gluttony. Such is the case with my trolls. I barely post these days but my trolls still manage to post as me or they simply post about me. One mentally ill troll recently posted some made up quotes with links, all of which led to the index of the Topix, Main Forum page. What kind of an idiot would fall for that? The answer is: a stripper turned yard mower who also believes President Obama controls the weather. That's a very limited market.
To me, DFTT means don't respond to their slings and arrows. There's no Stand Your Ground necessary when you're dealing with the accusations of cowardly trolls on the internet. Defending yourself against false charges works in real law and is actually a good idea but, it's not a good idea in the court of public opinion. It's like cussing out a telemarketer- they may have not made a sale but they got a response out of you! They *succeed* (in effect) even when they fail. Everybody has that one busybody aunt or gossipy neighbor who, when they quote the victim of a rumor defending themselves, always does it in a sing-songy voice adding: Well, they would say that...wouldn't they? That, folks, is Topix!
I've always been amazed at trolls who denigrate me (based on their beliefs) and act as if they are superior to me and that that is some sort of accomplishment by their own standards! For chrissakes- they set the bar! And they set it rather low for themselves in doing so. They didn't quite think that through. Shouldn't you be better than your powerful enemy, not some weak enemy? How...Sublime.
It is similar to the things you read on the internet about President Obama. It's quite bizarre to hear some republican ditch-digger with a 8th grade education call Obama a "stupid, useless nigger". Don't compare resumes, bubba. Just as Obama deserves better trolls, so do I. But, you don't get to pick them. They pick you.
Without trolls I'm just an irreverent poster with some good and funny thoughts.
Oh- and a bottomspanker whom the ladies like to call "Two Nines" because I used to carry a 9mm pistol and, um- well, never mind...
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