Saturday, June 20, 2015

State's Wrongs

The Slaveholder Rebellion flag is in the news again. In South Carolina, where the flag still flies over the state house, a young man shot and killed 9 black people at an historic black church.

That flag (also known as "the confederate battle flag" or "stars and bars") has long been controversial. Something like 150 years after the end of the otherwise termed "Civil War", people are still arguing about why it was fought. Many insist it has NOTHING to do with slavery. They get very angry about that. They insist instead that it was state's rights that 620,000 people died over because that makes so much more sense....

State's rights to own human beings would seem to be a pretty apt assessment then. You can look up the articles of secession written at the time. They were pretty pissed about the notion that the nation might tell them they can't have slaves. I've long felt though that no southerner wants to believe that their white ancestors died for black folks. So, they instead believe that those ancestors died for state's rights to, uh, well, uh...

Mostly they just stop at "state's rights" because it sounds political. And it is. Now it is. State's rights are the equivalent of having your cake and eating it too. Many states want to live in America and get all that Federal money, as well as the military protection we offer, but they want to make their own rules about everything else. Back then it was mostly about slavery. Today it's about wage slavery, abortion, guns, voting, women and minorities- everything. Keep that federal money coming in but don't tell us what to do!

It sounds like Europe but with Federal money keeping all the countries afloat. However, it's also a Europe without universal healthcare. That's something I could see our southern states going to war over. Well, they'd call it a state's right to protect it's citizens from affordable healthcare of northern aggression, or something along those lines. The right to put a spin on everything is practically a human right. No matter how wrong people may be, they can pretend that they are right about anything and if others agree, there you go. Caitlyn Jenner isn't really a woman and Rachael Dolezal isn't actually black but, who cares? They can believe what they want no matter how goofy it is as long as they don't force others to believe it at gunpoint. The state's though, don't have that right. We the people won't allow it.

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