I really don't get this Indiana law. There's already a federal law that protects religion and all sorts of reichtards all over the internet have pointed that out. What they don't point out is why Indiana needed this law when there is already that law. Well, they counter, seemingly not understanding the question, 20 other states have a law like Indiana's new law so why aren't you boycotting those states? That might be a good question. I'm not sure they meant it as such though.
Yesterday, Arkansas passed a similar law and their governor was all set to sign it- until Walmart stepped in and the gov reconsidered.
Corporations are people too, my friend! Evidently they are kind and benevolent persons at that?
No, I'm not buying that. There is nothing kind and benevolent about the Walmartian hierarchy. Everything is a business move with these people. Don't kid yourself about them raising their minimum wage either. The actual non-corporate citizens of America want that raise and, in most states, they are doing better- even in red ones. Walmart's decision to go to $10 was because of that handwriting on the wall, but more importantly, to stave off $15 by making it look as if $10 was their idea. It'd be pretty ungrateful of America to demand $5 more after Walmartian leaders reached into their own pockets (well, someone's) and pulled out a raise to $10 (and some lint).
So, well played, Walmartian assholes. At $10 an hour, many Walmart employees can still maintain their social services eligibility. With a living wage, they'd lose that...
Walmart is headquartered in Arkansas so, that gov rules by their leave. Indiana's governor is standing fast (so far) despite objections by NASCAR and a condemnation from Angie's List that might cost the state a $40 million dollar expansion by Angie of her business. Who knew the criticizing business was that lucrative? Certainly not YELP I bet. Well, as far as I know. Angie's List sounds like a shake down like the Better Business Bureau. It's my understanding that you have to pay to join the BBB. I think that means your check has to clear to get a good rating. YELP just sounds like Topix trolls do all the reviewing.
Which leads me to the first Indiana business to publicly side with the law and go on camera about it. Their Christian pizza place has declared they will refuse to cater any gay weddings! It's April Fool's day, dedicated non-readers, but, no, Ferrerman is not making that up! I don't think that all gays are snooty fancy boys but, a wedding is a wedding and I bet not too many of the gay persuasion would likely go the pizza route. When your whole existence seems to be one big legal battle, when you can get married, you might want to make the occasion more memorable than Domino's. Ya know, a pizza wedding sounds more rural Indiana, now that I think about it.
I think the state's are taking the teabagger notion that "...we are a Christian nation..." a bit too much to heart and maybe a bit too literally. If this protects religious freedoms, doesn't it also protect the religious freedoms of...MUSLIMS? Isn't this an open door for Sharia Law? Surely that door is ajar. Are they so arrogantly dense as to believe that the law protects only Christians? Seriously now- what would Jesus do, faced with this law?
Oh what a tangled web we weave when we don't practice what we believe.
Ha ha ha ha ha! Oh you cwazy yanks!
Can you give us an update on how many gay wedding feasts have been refused a pizza, so far. I'd love to see that business inundated with thousands of requests for them to cater gay weddings, then see how long they can hold out refusing the millions of dollars they think they could have been earning.
I checked out the pilot episode of Alaskan Bush Clowns on Utube after you whetted my appetite.
What can I say? A flat tyre put them in danger of being massacred by a serial killer moose. Two of the young clowns were left to guard the flat tyre while the rest of the circus went off to search for a second hand replacement. Seems like they should have taken the old one with them because they jubilantly returned with another one..... only about twice as big as the original.
Fortunately, the troupe's strong man knew how to rip off a fender and.....
Just want to let you know I still read and enjoy your blog. Your mate from downunder, Irish.
Thanks, *Geno*...
Poor dumb Geno doesn't understand "Blogger"
Try as he may to fake Irish, he can't pull it off. Blogger has something called stats. It lets you know every time someone visits your blog, clicks on a link and where they're visiting from. Not just the country but city and state.
Yes, the blog that no one reads LOL
It gets *Geno* every time.
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