I was perusing the threads last night and some poster unknown to me was pointing out to a stalker of mine, that that person had had a huge hand in making this Ferrerman "famous". How true.
The stalker had found a site that reports on blog revenues across the blogosphere. According to that site, this site makes $.02 a day, totaling $7 dollars a year. This is actually erroneous information. I did the math and...carrying the 2...dividing by 5....using the Dewey Decimal System....I actually make zero dollars. I make a lot of sense though, most of the time.
Dedicated non-readers probably have noticed that there is no advertising on this blog. It's not that hard to notice, but the stalker missed it. I would think that would account for the total lack of revenue. I can't see what would account for the 2 cents. That makes no sense. Neither does the stalker but, she or he thought it did.
I've been Topix-famous for several years now, partially due to the diligence of these stalkers. Mostly though, it's because of my sharp wit and the fact that I'm a pretty good writer. There is one thing I envy these chuckleheads for and that is that they have a fine enemy in me and, I've got nothing in them. I can expound on politics, pontificate on film and life, and spank the living daylights out of a bottom, But, I can never have an opponent as worthy as me. These assholes have me. I don't even have them. They're just there.
Lyndon Johnson once noted that: "If you convince the lowest poster that he is better than the best Ferrerman, he won't notice what a miserable sot he is."
I might have paraphrased there. OK, I did. However it does remind me of the tens of thousands of posts written every day, by uneducated teapublicans about President Obama. (He absolutely killed last night with the SOTU address, by the way!) Imagine an idiot from Bumfuck, Kentucky thinking and believing that he is smarter and better than the the Harvard educated, president of the United States. Welcome to my world, Mr. President, you deserve better enemies too.
My stalkers can't seem to grasp that, without them, I was just another poster. I won't say that is the same for our President but, the scumbags who have resisted him so fervently in congress, the media and message boards have unwittingly guaranteed him a superb historical legacy. They didn't just show up, they tried so desperately hard to show him up, and failed miserably. History remembers those things.
Similar with my stalkers. If they don't show up and try so hard, Ferrerman is not a famous poster, just a better poster than they are. And there is thousands of those...
Just one Ferrerman though! Thanks, dedicated non-readers and stalkers! YOU help make this all possible!
Exactly!!! They're so determined to win that they don't stop to consider the repercussions of their flawed strategy. They talk about you and your blog all day long to make the point that no one reads or cares about it or you. CrunchyPorkRind seems especially jealous. It's hilarious!
Then again, what do you expect from people who make up stories not just about other posters, but about themselves. They're a sorry lot.
Blogger gave me a 79k bonus today!
That's a lot of k's!
Sharp wit, good writing and a point of view. One that you can defend with facts. I tweet your political posts. A couple have been retweeted.
btw: I checked out Sublime's recent 'Kiss and Tell Epic Fail' on Topix. Geez, that dudes sporting a seriously damaged ego. The way he went after Cat? or Crazy Beautiful? Uses a Howitzer to kill a butterfly.
CB gave him good advise; get off the computer. Of course he took aim. Hate to think how many black eyes Bambi's received.
Thanks for the kind words and the tweets!
Hello! I just discovered your blog. I'm 99% sure you dont know me but I do remember seeing you around Topix back around '11/'12? btw we never talked. Anyway just wanted to say it's interesting to see these discussions about Sue, Kevin and some others I'm not a fan of. Still have bad feelings after all this time and I'm sure it's mutual.
Just out of curiosity, I wondered if you know anything about some faked PM's? I read a post on the topix forum a while back talking about it and how it contributed to some people getting banned, including Kevin. You don't know me so I hope you don't mind my asking but do you know anything about it? I would be very interested to know how much those fake PM's contributed to his banning. I'm asking because I was the one who made the very first one and posted it (I believe it was a PM btwn "-J-" and Kevin) knowing full well it was a 'bad idea' and hoping they'd pick it up and run with it.
Nice to see they did :)
IDK about the fake PM's. No doubt they've been done in Topixland. I'm sure some people still PM like crazy. The mods can read those things and share info so, mostly I just acted like the NSA was 'listening'. :)
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