Monday, October 21, 2013

Kids say the darnedest things

Yikes! Creepy indeed. Some of these were very frightening.

Here's some more:

I found the latter researching the former. I'm more intrigued about the kids speaking matter-a-factly about past lives that saying weird stuff. A lot of people and some cultures believe in reincarnation and the recycling of lives. I've always kinda leaned towards it myself. Of course, that's because I taught reincarnation in a previous life, in Salem, Massachusetts before I was burned at the stake for heresy... As far as I know, I made that up because I'm a damn Ferrerman after all. Still, I do have a distinct fear of fires and will not step into them EVER.  So, ya know?

The kids in question here all seem very young, like 2-4 years old, rather that precocious eight year old's displaying their imagination. It seems like they just blurt this out and do not speak of it again. You may have done it at that age. What do you really remember since before you were about five? It is around that age that our earliest clear memories are usually formed.

We're not talking false memories here like folks might have as adults after years of television, movies and reading books. If I feel like I was a cowboy in a past life, it's probably because of TV and movies and that, I wish I were a cowboy. If a three year old remembers being a Viking and executing might want to listen. How much TV have they seen at that age- without you?

I'm not sure what the method to the madness is here. By that I mean, life. Is the point to serve God, worship him and get to heaven? And if you don't do that, spend eternity in Hell? Kinda doubt it. Are 1.5 billion Chinese really going to hell because they are not Christian? I've heard that. Your actual results may vary, depending upon religion. With so many non-Christians in the world for so many years, I think even a God would have given up long ago.

But, perhaps there is a God and he's far less needy and far deeper than portrayed. What if we are deeper than portrayed? Why not recycle souls for the purpose of education or redemption- even punishment?

What's the method to the madness with reincarnation? I don't know. I doubt anyone ever will. The little baby you might be holding in your arms today might know a bit about where he's been and he may even be trying to tell you but, it could be that he's entering a new world and leaving behind his old and that where he's been is not as important as where he is now. I'm wondering if this is always kept in the family lineage. Can a blonde haired, blue-eyed Swede in Stockholm have been a Masai warrior? Vice versa? Anecdotaly, people who have *died* and *come back* have reported the bright light and being greeted by a deceased relative and told that it's not their time. Heaven? Maybe. Sorta. Could be sort of a waiting room. Eternity lasts a long time. There are a lot of places to go and a lot of people to get there.


Barbi said...

I really enjoyed your post, Ferr.

My daughter was writing in hieroglyphs when she was 4 years old. It lasted about a week.
I put them away. Time to dig 'em out and try to translate them.

ex-ferrer said...

That could be fun! And possibly informative. I'd like to know how exactly they built those pyramids. Opinions vary....