Thursday, August 1, 2013


There has been a tremendous influx of visitors to the Ferrerman blog these past several months. For many of these non-readers, mine is the first blog they likely ever not-read. If they are used to Topix, for example, they have a bit of trouble with the comments portion of the blog.

I, like most bloggers, screen comments. If you've ever seen Topix or been pretty much anywhere on the internet where commenting is allowed, you know that people say the darnedest things! If you don't screen comments, you'll spend a lot of time deleting comments after the fact. Most of us like to head folks off at the pass.

For example, one non-reader who calls himself "itk cub fan" got angry because I neglected to post a really vulgar comment he made about "Dondo Dork". I may not like Dork  (and I don't) but, publishing disgusting comments made by others does me no good. "itk cub fan" took umbrage at this and now he posts "sup pie" in revenge. Amazingly, I don't  publish that either!

Someone else who is"anonymous" posts stuff that is also provocative but not in a disgusting, anti-Dork way like itk cub fan. But, what this person posts is more conducive to Topix than the blog. I like the comments to be about the post or relative to it in a dialogue promoting way. I don't even know if it's the same anonymous because, well, they are anonymous. Topix like posts taunting others can be fun if they are fun. Most of these haven't been.

Though I write about Topixtown and it's wacky denizens, this blog is not an extension of Topix. I think some of these disgruntled non-readers might be used to being on the good side of censorship as they travel the mean streets of Topixtown with a concealed moderator in their pocket. This ain't like that. This is me, a Ferrerman and his blog.



AKA Hegel said...

Exactly. Blogs are personal and an expression of the owner (who can say and do what he wants).

What it boils down to is that they're realizing they have no control here, and that doesn't feel good.

Interesting that one of the most adamant non-readers is actually here more than anyone else. does enjoy a spot of blog in the privacy of one's flat;)

Anonymous said...

byline: Deer Whisperer/Luke

Yep, a blog isn't a message board forum; though I've read a couple of 'small' forums (compared to "massive" ones like topix or old Yahoo! boards) with moderator control approaching that of blog moderation. In one particular forum, there was a sufficient proportion of moderators to users (registration mandatory) to not let things get out of hand. In fact, a new user would be on probation for a specified time (or number of posts) and those posts were screened prior to publishing before approval of member in good standing.

I've read several blogs. Knew a couple of folk on the aforementioned Yahoo! boards that decided to authore blogs. And really, while Facebook platform has usage policy and rules, users actually author a blog on that platform. It is up to each user how sub-divided and networked his/her blog (or "multiple" if sub-divided) will be.

Maybe some wrong perception developed because of past topics and comments; or some tangents comments that you allowed included statements about topix users.

Bottom line: you, the author, operate and moderate as you see fit. However you 'run' this -- them's the breaks.

Anonymous said...

Whether you like it or not, your blog fascinates and attracts crazies from Topix. Cross pollination isn't really a bad thing F man. Just yesterday I had a nice "chat" with one of the blonde bimbo owners of Topix, well, moderator owner, and she cited your blog. Erroneously at that but you're on the map!! It wasn't a nice chats. She was at it again even threatening to take the crown away from a poster because she crossed her in the conversation. This same boorish gal earlier in the day made a "first person comment" forgetting what account she was in. This is what started it all. She fought tooth and nail, having posts removed, throwing stuff on the wall hoping it all stuck. The average person could see what she was up to, the really dumb posters (95% of Topix) would read her and believe her. The point to all this? Topix posters are stupid yet Topix rakes in huge ad dollars. Ferrerman posters are more intelligent. What's that translate into?


Cross pollination and some Topix comments here could be good.

Rose of Tralee said...

Is "sup pie" code for something? It's not the first time I've run across that expression...

Anyhow, I like to think I've contributed a tad bit to your increased audience; AND at the risk of getting my account banned. Yes, you can thank me now and pay me later (or ignore me).

I would also like to commend you on the fact that you've kept a blog going since 2009. How often have I heard the Fair Man referred to as 'deadbeat and lazy' - Ah contaire nasty ones! it takes intelligence and concentration to maintain a high level of interest over that length of time. And it's because our man is funny, entertaining and one of the best 'liberal free thinkers' that has ever crossed Topix' path.

No wonder they hate you. Your a winner, not a -whinner-

go ahead ~ you can blush now

ex-ferrer said...


"Pie" is a legend in that loser's mind. When he sobers up in the morning, he looks in the mirror, says "sup pie", throws up and then gets to posting, repeating as the calendar goes.

Barbi said...

The people who are camped within the bowels of Topix actually want your blog to be an extension of "their" forum.
Take a visit to the main forum and Offbeat and there they are, the blowhards and the trollops, wringing their hands and screaming like banshees because they hate anybody who dares to show them how silly they are.
Never mind that they may actually learn something by reading your opinions and comments about current events - like politics, health care, the economy, stupid laws, sports, etc.
Rather, they scan your blog for their names so they can be outraged and ramp up their trolling.
None of them deserve the courtesy you extend them by refusing to post the worst of your reader's comments about them, but it's your blog, Fer.
Unfortunately, no good deed goes unpunished. As I write this, they're on another anti-Ferrerman campaign (they all just KNOW that grey box is you) and a full throttle, dead thread bumping race.
Keep up the good work, Ferrerman.

ex-ferrer said...

Thank you, Barbi. I'll do my best!

Anti-Ferrerman sentiment is sad. I don't know why people opt to mire themselves in it! How many people, on their deathbed might say: "I cherish every moment spent hating Ferrerman!"

Too many, I suspect.

Anonymous said...

Is it legal practice for an anonymous site to have one of it's Mods give out IP information to a non employee to use said info to win Topix? To me, that sounds like a huge compromise of someone's right to post anon.

Does the Moderator here practice the same policy?

ex-ferrer said...

The mod here is waaaaay too handsome for that.

Anonymous said...

YOU made this blog "an extension of Topix" each time you used Topix (and the people over there) as the subject of your posts.
What did you expect?

ex-ferrer said...

Which is MY prerogative! DUH! The COMMENTS are not an extension of Topix. That's what the post was about. Methinks your reading comprehension skills are "anonymous" as well!

AKA Hegel said...

Can you feel that need to control in the air, Ferrerman? It's like humidity only needier.

Barbi said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

byline: Deer Whisperer/Luke

nosed around about this topic. Found a lot, and chose this: