Sunday, July 14, 2013

All things being equal...

Thank the Lord that, in this post-racial society that the murder of Trayvon Martin was not at all about race! Nope, it was clearly about how, if a grown, sorta white man stalks and picks a fight with a black teenager- and begins to lose- he can pull his pistol and kill the child! Samuel Colt did make all men equal after all!

You see, America, this wasn't about a close to being white guy getting away with murder, killing a black kid. In this post racial society of ours (i'll remind you that we have a black President) that's not even possible anymore. George Zimmerman could easily have stalked a white kid and murdered him.

Well, our law is based largely on precedent. I'm sure people who are whooping it up now because Zimmerman was acquitted would whoop just as hard if Zimmerman had killed their own child under the exact circumstances. In fact, the same assholes who (really) believe Trayvon Martin deserved to die be cause he was a teenager who had smoked weed, would love to have the same justice meted out to their own progeny.

Oh- your kid doesn't smoke weed? That's what murder trials are for. Surprise! Your kid is a doper! AND, a doper who deserved to die....

And, like a rape victim, what your child was wearing will be a mitigating factor in his death. You should have thought about that hoodie. It's the low-cut blouse of the new millennium.

If the hero who put your child out of society's misery goes to trial (because of fucking whiners...whining...) you will not provide nice pictures of him for the media because that would be unfair. You would only provide pictures where your kid is making angry faces or posing like a gangster. No one should think of your child as an innocent victim. 

Every aspect of your child's life will be put out there for Topixtards and the other dregs of society to pour over and determine reason for death. Most of this crap won't make it into the courtroom because many of our courts still operate under the rule of law but, so much of it will be out there to taint any jury pool in the country.

But, you're good with that. You're good with that because you are good with the fucked up verdict that happened last night. Same scenario but, your white kid. Fuck it- make Zimmerman a white Baptist. Same scenario. HE KILLS YOUR KID.

You are good with that. It is justice. 

Well, you said so last night...


Maggie said...

I come here for the news. Been gone so didn't hear verdict. Yeah. One more dead black kid.
Now Zimmerman can write his book and get back to being a vigilante.

Gahd bless America.

Anonymous said...

This verdict is freightening. A true sad commentary about society though not a surprise considering it came out of Florida. The judicial precedent this sets makes stalking and killing anyone legal.....

Thank God Topix doesn't come loaded with 9mm rounds.

Rose of Tralee said...

What has been especially disturbing is now seeing information coming out about Zimmerman. A thuggish past that was most likely kept under the radar (if not plain covered up) by a father who was a retired judge.

Then of course, there is the other side trying to K-spin it against those leftist libbies. I ask the question, why wouldn't Trayvon's mother get a patent on her sons name? if she doesn't, I'm sure bottom feeders like Christ Tolles would line up to take advantage of any financial gain. Good on momma for having a lawyer to point that out.

*do take note on the donate box to the right of the Anne Coulter(cutter) approved post

Barbi said...

Hold the presses!
Well, they're already rolling, but the source may be questionable: I just read an article that Zimmerman can still be prosecuted in a federal court?

Anonymous said...

George Zimmerman is nothing but a straight up coward. He initiated contact with a 17 year old that actually belonged in the neighborhood he was in. Had Georgie boy listened to 911 to STAY on his car, we would not have a dead kid. Love seeing all the Kowards on the BeatOff forum sounding so white and racist and proud. Funny thing is that they want so bad to overlook the fact that George(Jorge) is not really considered white. But hey, they'll choose a Hispanic over a black if they have too! K-Spin on full effect over there!

ex-ferrer said...

I have got to believe that, if Zimmerman had killed a white child under the same circumstances he would have been convicted of murder. It wouldn't have been the big deal case it was. No Topixtards would be calling him a hero then or walking back the events to uncover a kid who simply needed killing, like they've been doing the past year.

There was a Texas case featured on 20/20 this past Friday about a case where a neighbor killed a neighbor and invoked the Texas version of SYG. The guy videotaped his encounter with the neighbors AND his phonecall to the cops. He had 22 minutes to walk away.

Well, he killed a school teacher. I should mention the teacher was white and the shooter was Mexican-American. He got 40 years.

Race matters. This was about race. The intent of the law was about race. IDK how I can say that in this "post-racial America"...

ex-ferrer said...

The Feds could charge him with a "hate crime" or a civil rights violation. That's surely why the reich is saying this was NOT a racial incident.

The Martin family is suing Zimmerman for wrongful death. This would mean if he writes a book, sells his 'story' to Warner Brothers, gets his own show on Fox or wins the lottery, he pays- if they win the civil suit.

He may not be guilty under the (cough) law, but, he was responsible for Trayvon Martin's death.

Anonymous said...

byline: Deer Whisperer/Luke

To Rose: Early on, I do remember reading about Zimmerman's less than stellar past somewhere. Knew his dad was once a judge, and likely was a factor in the initial treatment of Zimmerman by the Sanford Police Dept. and DA.

To Barbi: Yes, it's possible for a federal civil rights charge. The preliminaries are underway. Federal action got some of the old Klan members for their crimes, and the LA police in the Rodney King beating after the po-po were acquitted in LA county court.

Anonymous said...

byline: Deer Whisperer/Luke

""You take a man's last breath, you better have a good reason. There will be paperwork."

Ferrerman is a soothsayer. This verdict means less paperwork.

ex-ferrer said...

Well, true. Of course, the defense attorneys and media experts fell all over themselves that "it wasn't about race" but, had Zimmerman murdered a white child, this one wouldn't have been made for TV. And, it wouldn't have, at first, been shined on via SYG. Zimmerman would have been charged and our OB friends would be screaming for his head- if they even knew about it. There might have been a little curiosity about it like the one in Texas where, despite a similar law, the Mexican-American murderer got 40 years for killing a white school teacher.

AKA Hegel said...

"Trayvon got the death penalty for buying Skittles in a hoodie". That was Jeffrey Toobin's tweet after the verdict and it best sums up my feelings about this horrifying verdict.

I'd only add that he did make the mistake of defending himself when a mostly white man with a loaded gun who was told NOT to follow him did what he shouldn't have done. But hey, shit happens, right? It's most important to protect the rights of the white gun owner. Dead black boys need to stop whining.


ex-ferrer said...

Indeed. Does standing one's ground only apply to gun owners? Is it a "rock-paper-scissors" law where the guy with the gun trumps the right of the other guy to defend his life? I know that SYG wasn't the defense here but, a 17 year old kid is well within his right to confront a man harassing him. It may not be smart or the 'right' thing to do but it should seem like the thing to do at the time because the last thing that Trayvon probably thought was he was going to be shot by that guy.

AKA Hegel said...

Yes, apparently in certain states gun owners are automatically seen as being more honest and better intentioned than young black males, despite circumstances proving otherwise.

I think I read that a SYG hearing might be forthcoming as a prerequisite to any civil suit brought against Zimmerman. But let's be honest; we're talking about Florida. He'll be given a parade at Disney World but he'll never be found liable for anything.