Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Language Lessons

I wasn't going to write about this Michael Douglas stuff because I think it's silly. Or, do I think its silly?

I'm a few decades away from school and, admittedly, I think I forgot a lot of the grammar rules I might not have learned in the first place, over the years. So, I'm not sure if it's its or it's if its its or it's. Whatever it is...I made a similar fox paw on a site on Facebook that was about Michael Douglass's claim that he he got throat cancer from eating pussy. "eating pussy" is the phrase used by folks who find it difficult to spell cunnilingus- which, I just found out IS a spell-checkable! Imagine that. "cunnilingus" is a word that is best used when I make my stock joke about my being a cunning linguist. Get it? It's a double intender of sorts because I intend it to have a double meaning.

So, last night on a thread on Facebook (a political site, I should note) about Michael's assertion of how he got throat cancer, I posted that he had "made genius's out of black guys". Tee hee! One woman got that enough to like that and one fucking moron didn't get it enough to actually bother to correct my misuse of what I thought was the plural of genius but, I'm now guessing was the possessive? The asshole also thought I was "racist".

No, I was not. Anyone who knows anything about black guys knows that they do not eat pussy. Ask them- they will tell you. I've worked around black guys for years and this subject has a come quite often. If they don't bring it up themselves, some redneck will. Black guys are not shy about this at all. I think it's a religious conviction like Jews and Muslims eschewing pork by not ever chewing pork or any pork products. It might be Biblical. Do you want me to get Biblical on your ass like Samuel Jackson in "Pulp Fiction"? What? Say "what" one more time...

So, black guys not eating pussy sure makes them look like... geniuses... now, doesn't it?

Sheesh. If you've got to explain a joke maybe that audience was an idiot anyway? And, if you've got to exploit a Ferrerman's grammar or syntax, you have already lost the battle. I may not be an English Major (and I'm not) but, I am a cunning linguist!


AKA Hegel said...

Some facebook pages resemble Topix a little too much for my taste. There are always idiots lurking who will find the most ridiculous reasons for commenting negatively about a post and then in the next (virtual) breath you'll see them compose some vile rant with grammar straight out of Deliverance.

ex-ferrer said...

Exactly! A lot of glass houses all over the net, well-stocked with rocks.

Anonymous said...

aka Deer Whisperer/Luke

No comment !! lol

Well yeah ... I saw where Douglas was trying to back-pedal about his original certainty about HPV, oral sex, and throat cancer linkage.

A Brit media source (Guardian?) is having none of that. They released audio recording of his interview.

The View is supposing the humiliation of Ms. Zeta-Jones, speculating on ramifications (well, it's daytime TV talk).

Coup de grace: Douglas's [is that correct? :) ] first wife of many years is on record as asserting that he didn't get cancer from her!

Sidebar: glad this isn't a secret site. If so, I wouldn't contribute. Been there, done that early in my "Topix career" -- pre-Paris don't you know.

Smartest decision made in my Yahoo and Topix participation combined was declining that Paris invitation.

What's the character limit for comments, anyhow?

Good blog -- not failed, as mopes and dopes would have it. Blogs are created for a reason. You write well, and use it well.

ex-ferrer said...

Thanks, DW! I wish I had passed on Paris. It wasn't as sophisticated as the brochures had promised...

I feel for Catherine Zeta but, she married him! I think he had had some sex addiction issues in the past? She should have known what she was getting into with him. And HE should have been smart enough to realize he's been smoking for 50 years and THAT coulda been a factor and a better story for the wife and public.

Barbi said...

Funny post, Ferr!